Veeshan's Peak Screenshots


Dragon number 3, Xygoz. AE Silence was a real pain in the ass, but all it really did was make the fight last longer. I resisted about 50% of the AEs
Dragon number 4, Druushk. Her AE was a magic based DD that does 7500 points of damage or something outrageously insane like that. Funny thing was, we had a Guardian Wurm add, was fighting it, then Druushk came and got dropped like a bag of dirt. I resisted all the AEs, but most of the people who got hit (only a couple of people) just died instantly. This was the FIRST time Druushk was killed on the Rallos Zek server.
Second to last dragon, Nexona. This was a pretty nasty dragon and wiped us out several times before we were able to kill it. I think her AE was a magic lure that did 500dd and a fire based dot that killed people in one tick. Everyone took the AEs and many died. Things went a lot better once we figured out that we should leave the first buff slot open and dispell as soon as her dot lands (that at least kept half the raid from dropping 6 seconds into the fight). This was also the FIRST time this dragon was killed on the Rallos Zek server.

Last dragon, the boss of the zone, Phara Dar. This dragon is definitely the hardest in the zone. 900 point DD with her AE and about an 18 second stun. The emote: "Your eardrums shatter in immense pain" is accompanied by her area effect dragon breath. Melee's stunned, healer's stunned, nukers stunned, bad news. She resisted everything but lures so only the wizards could do any nuking damage. On our 3rd attempt, we were able to get her down to the 'P' but then she complete healed and it was all over after that. We had to leave because it was getting late so Phara Dar is still alive on Rallos Zek, which is too bad because she drops stuff that is still worth having after Velious (Robe of Azure Sky, Crown of Rile, 9/14 piercer). I wish I could have gotten better screenshots but I was too busy getting my ass kicked.
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Last modified: Mon Nov 19 15:38:17 EET 2001