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Class com.cometway.jerminal.DumbTerminal


public class DumbTerminal
implements JerminalListenerInterface
The Terminal classes are responsible for connecting the I/O streams from local or remote JerminalSessions to the JerminalWindow and JerminalKeyListener. The OutputStream of a JerminalSession needs to be connected to the JerminalWindow and the InputStream needs to be connected to the JerminalKeyListener associated with the JerminalWindow. This terminal implements a JerminalListenerInterface to recieve notifications of the JerminalSession status so that it can be relayed to appropriate classes.

Constructor Index

 o DumbTerminal()
 o DumbTerminal(String[])

Method Index

 o main(String[])
 o notifyExecutingCommand(String)
Not Implemented
 o notifyFinishedExecutingCommand(String)
Not Implemented
 o notifyFinishedRunningBinary()
When the JerminalSession is finished executing a binary, the JerminalKeyListener must start interpreting input again.
 o notifyInvalidCommand()
If the JerminalSession has been given an invalid command, the JerminalWindow will visually beep.
 o notifyJerminalExiting()
This notification tells us we should clean house and shut down.
 o notifyRunningBinary()
When the JerminalSession is executing a binary, the JerminalKeyListener must stop interpreting input.
 o run()
This is the method that sets everything up and reads from the JerminalSession's output stream and writes to the JerminalWindow.


 o DumbTerminal
 public DumbTerminal()
 o DumbTerminal
 public DumbTerminal(String args[])


 o notifyRunningBinary
 public void notifyRunningBinary()
When the JerminalSession is executing a binary, the JerminalKeyListener must stop interpreting input.

 o notifyFinishedRunningBinary
 public void notifyFinishedRunningBinary()
When the JerminalSession is finished executing a binary, the JerminalKeyListener must start interpreting input again.

 o notifyInvalidCommand
 public void notifyInvalidCommand()
If the JerminalSession has been given an invalid command, the JerminalWindow will visually beep.

 o notifyExecutingCommand
 public void notifyExecutingCommand(String command)
Not Implemented

 o notifyFinishedExecutingCommand
 public void notifyFinishedExecutingCommand(String command)
Not Implemented

 o notifyJerminalExiting
 public void notifyJerminalExiting()
This notification tells us we should clean house and shut down.

 o run
 public void run()
This is the method that sets everything up and reads from the JerminalSession's output stream and writes to the JerminalWindow.

 o main
 public static void main(String args[])

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