Comet Way's Beowulf Project


The Beowulf Project at Comet Way is an independently funded Research project for advances in Parallel Computing. Seeing as how inexpensive older, slower computers are, we are building a Beowulf cluster out of slow cheap computers and running large applications on them behind our firewall. Many of these applications will have to be ported to run on Beowulf, but ultimately, benchmarks will be run and cost / performance ratios recorded. One of the main incentives of this project is running Java on Beowulf, taking advantage of the distribution provided by the native system.


Current Status:

Money spent on the cluster:
Required purchase Number of Items Price per Item
3Com 3c905B-TX Fast Ethernet XL PCI card 5 $75
Refurbished 486DX2-66, 4 ISA & 2 PCI slots, 8M RAM, onboard SVGA, 1.44M Floppy 4 $30
Maxtor Lightning HD, 350M 3 $70
8-port Fast Ethernet Smart Hub 1 $115
All the rest of the parts were salvaged.

Estimated Price of salvaged parts: $200.
Total cost of software and installation: FREE.
Total cost of Beowulf Cluster: $1020.

Current running arrangement:

All the NODES have X11 installed as well as all the X dev libraries, C/C++ dev, and the standard libriries. All machines have:
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