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Class com.cometway.jerminal.JerminalAgent


public class JerminalAgent
This Agent will listen to a port and instantiate a single JerminalSession on request. When a connection is made to this agent, a password is requested. If the password is valid, this agent will connect the client to the JerminalSession. The JerminalSession can be suspended if the client connection is closed, and can be resumed when the connection is reestablished.

Variable Index

 o stopRunning
Setting this value to true will cause the JerminalAgent to stop listening on its ServerSocket.

Constructor Index

 o JerminalAgent()

Method Index

 o initProps()
 o run()
 o start()


 o stopRunning
 public boolean stopRunning
Setting this value to true will cause the JerminalAgent to stop listening on its ServerSocket.


 o JerminalAgent
 public JerminalAgent()


 o initProps
 public void initProps()
 o start
 public void start()
 o run
 public void run()

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