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Class com.cometway.jerminal.commands.UnixFileCommand


public abstract class UnixFileCommand
extends JerminalCommand
This abstract subclass of JerminalCommand provides the functionality to resolve UNIX style pathnames. Commands that require pathnames as its arguments or require the built in functionality of resolving pathnames should subclass this class.

Variable Index

 o pathSeparator
local copy of the path separator character

Constructor Index

 o UnixFileCommand(JerminalSession)

Method Index

 o basename(String)
This method returns the basename part of the pathname
 o filename(String)
This method returns the filename part of the pathname
 o resolve(String)
This method resolves paths which use ., .., and ~ symbols.


 o pathSeparator
 public char pathSeparator
local copy of the path separator character


 o UnixFileCommand
 public UnixFileCommand(JerminalSession j) throws UnauthorizedAccessException
j - This is the JerminalSession which will be using this command
Throws: UnauthorizedAccessException
Throws this exception if the file access for the JerminalSession is set to false


 o basename
 public String basename(String path)
This method returns the basename part of the pathname

 o filename
 public String filename(String path)
This method returns the filename part of the pathname

 o resolve
 public File resolve(String path)
This method resolves paths which use ., .., and ~ symbols.

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