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Class com.cometway.jerminal.commands.main


public class main
extends JerminalCommand
This command invokes the public static void main(String[]) method for the given class.


main [class] (String arguments)
The public static void main(String[]) static method is invoked on the class [class]. If any other operands are given, they are assumed to be Strings and will make up the String array that is passed into the main method as arguments.

Constructor Index

 o main(JerminalSession)

Method Index

 o evaluate(Vector)
This method is called by the JerminalSession when it uses this command.


 o main
 public main(JerminalSession j)


 o evaluate
 public Object evaluate(Vector operands)
This method is called by the JerminalSession when it uses this command.

evaluate in class JerminalCommand

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