(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Chinese]SZ[19]HA[9]KM[0.50]TM[3600] PW[MyungWan]PB[MoGoTiTan]DT[2008-08-07]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[MoGoTiTan [-\]: GTP Engine for MoGoTiTan (black): MoGo version 3.0.0: I'll resign if you win and playing until you pass if I win. If you passed and I did not, it often means that the status of some stones are not clear enough for me (I want to be sure we will agree on dead stones). Clarify them. Maybe I am losing, but have not enough time to be sure I should resign. In this case play until the end :'( (very rare cases) ]RE[B+1.50] ;B[dd]BL[3599.305] ;B[dj]BL[3599.013] ;B[dp]BL[3598.82] ;B[pd]BL[3598.599] ;B[pj]BL[3598.385] ;B[pp]BL[3598.168] ;B[jd]BL[3597.954] ;B[jp]BL[3597.739] ;B[jj]BL[3597.528]C[MyungWan [-\]: hi Fatality [7k\]: hi lol ] ;W[pg]WL[3588.492]C[Francisco [3d\]: lol ahmadr [10k\]: Gl ibd [16k\]: dun dun dunnnnn teytaud [-\]: Hi NPcomplete [5k\]: hi master :) certo [1k\]: no handicap!? Francisco [3d\]: he is very nervous certo [1k\]: well besides 9 trumpet [3k\]: no handi hehe sixsix [-\]: lol ] ;B[md]BL[3581.62] ;W[ql]WL[3583.335]C[pasky [1k\]: I will be tracking this game with CzechBot, running on dual Intel Xeon on 2.4GHz, and give some details on what my mogo is thinking about the moves. Francisco [3d\]: I am strongly betting on MogoTitan NPcomplete [5k\]: me too trumpet [3k\]: great pasky ] ;B[mj]BL[3564.556]C[PowerP [3d\]: honestly i would have a hard time taking this seriously if i was myung Yuura [8k\]: et c'est reparti pour une bastonade XD Sakae [-\]: woooo ] ;W[nj]WL[3575.703]C[Bovido [8k\]: Go MoGo! certo [1k\]: mogo dead, 9h is not enough danteVAM [5k\]: have a good game again =) ekku [-\]: what is b running on? CrazyApple [2k\]: 1h kuikentje [5k\]: I'm strongly betting on MyungWan joelw [12k\]: titan is computer? ketchup [6k\]: certo, we'll see, if the pro wanted to play him on 9h hikaru78 [15k\]: go both! ] ;B[ni]BL[3546.864]C[ahmadr [10k\]: 9h + 4x time ketchup [6k\]: he had good reason to Hu [3k\]: This is a much longer time setting. trumpet [3k\]: being the pro you can only loose here hikaru78 [15k\]: o.o ] ;W[oi]WL[3572.78]C[sixsix [-\]: i have it cloned in case anything worth discussing comes up zeb [8k\]: so exciting jhouse [3k\]: It'd be interesting to see mogo have 12 stones for this game :) lukaszchol [13k?\]: I bet on MOGop this time McCrusty [1k\]: what is w running on? green tea? Ho [5k\]: did they finnish this last USGO game after lunch? ] ;B[nk]BL[3528.301] ;W[oj]WL[3570.841]C[Almdudler [3d\]: nyu Tsuijin [1d\]: white wants to finish off mogo fast and get back to other game ketchup [6k\]: since myungwan is playing in it Sakae [-\]: maybe hte pro let the bot win on purpose? ketchup [6k\]: i highly doubt it Sakae [-\]: to cheer us up :o IanO: what is the playout rate at this time control? ] ;B[ok]BL[3508.822]C[ketchup [6k\]: it's supposed to take place after this game, Ho ] ;W[mi]WL[3561.525]C[Batavia [5k\]: so what kind of spec does mogo run on? Ho [5k\]: thx NPcomplete [5k\]: wow thanks for the review!!! ] ;B[pi]BL[3486.931] ;W[oh]WL[3558.789]C[Kashuu [1k\]: yes im also curious ketchup [6k\]: r8 alive Kashuu [1k\]: is mogo playing at a super computer now? ekku [-\]: what kind of hardware? toxygen [?\]: 800 cores ] ;B[pk]BL[3465.462]C[toxygen [?\]: xeons i guess, but i'm not sure ] ;W[lj]WL[3555.843]C[Sebass [7k\]: XD TanGeng [2d?\]: 800 cores? Kashuu [1k\]: only 800 cores? toxygen [?\]: yep chrono3450 [1d\]: he's playing better, that's for sure chrono3450 [1d\]: thank god ekku [-\]: that's quite a heap of flops :D ketchup [6k\]: myungwan still playing so fast.. Tsuijin [1d\]: its cause he knows it is over ] ;B[mk]BL[3443.222]C[Sebass [7k\]: Wait, is MoGo a computer player? ] ;W[lh]WL[3553.134]C[toxygen [?\]: yes sixsix [-\]: lol TanGeng [2d?\]: they don't use flops Hu [3k\]: Someone said 800 processor x quadcores = about 3000. AdrianG430 [12k\]: -_- Sebass [7k\]: LOL Amano [12k\]: yes Sebass [7k\]: Nice. hikaru78 [15k\]: lol iphicles [1k?\]: Playing fast gives computer less time to think toxygen [?\]: Hu: not true apparently Unwichtig [18k\]: short TanGeng [2d?\]: only fixed point math Sakae [-\]: Estimated strenght? ] ;B[lk]BL[3419.983]C[Singer [10k\]: Where did he get 800 processors from? ahmadr [10k\]: Thank you a million times for the review, MyungWan. ] ;W[qp]WL[3548.748]C[kuikentje [5k\]: I saw the same thing Hu navilus [1k\]: lol Celila [-\]: hu apparently it's much less .. it was meant to be like that, but it's not Elandal [2k\]: nodes, cores, whatever. It's better than my computer. tsiki [1d\]: only 9 handi? ibd [16k\]: what's the benefit of only fixed point on today's hardware? Sakae [-\]: eheh I saw a Hu Bin on EGC Candidate [2k?\]: i could have provided 100 cores is i had known this was coming up... ^^ toxygen [?\]: singer: i was told that these information will be disclosed after match ] ;B[qo]BL[3395.968]C[royalty [3d\]: well, it's not doin bad yet Celila [-\]: it's 1 h thinking time now, tsiki ] ;W[po]WL[3546.312]C[TanGeng [2d?\]: they key si the algorithm ketchup [6k\]: celila what is it now then? tsiki [1d\]: yes but i thought the previous games would be used to determine the handi Sakae [-\]: this one doesn't have an algorithim.. pasky [1k\]: so far they play too fast to really give me a chance to follow them :) KintaroOe [5k\]: wait so mogo is a comp.? gentil [6d\]: how strong is mogotitan ? ] ;B[qq]BL[3370.932]C[Sakae [-\]: it thinkgs by reading random moves ] ;W[rp]WL[3543.568]C[tsiki [1d\]: i guess they think MoGo gains a lot more from the extra time Sebass [7k\]: yup. iphicles [1k?\]: We are finding out Celila [-\]: 800 apparently ekku [-\]: sakae, surely it does Sakae [-\]: and taking the percentage.. TanGeng [2d?\]: that's an algorithm Kashuu [1k\]: the key is.. a computer should be able to learn from its mistakes and improve Tsuijin [1d\]: if pro loses will the play another? trumpet [3k\]: mogo is a software for being exact progers [12k\]: Kim should gain a lot from the time too ketchup [6k\]: kashuu.. that doesnt work.. yoyoma [1d\]: oh please mogo don't hose this corner up ] ;B[pn]BL[3344.997] ;W[oo]WL[3541.21]C[telchar [-\]: a 9*9 game against MyungWan would have been interesting too :) TwoStoned: mogo has a good chance, if he stays away from the sake Amano [12k\]: ^^ PowerP [3d\]: these hanes are not good Hagios [4k\]: Well, it played this corner differently than the last two times... jhouse [3k\]: strength for mogotitan is probably very time dependent. It has less memorized knowledge, so gets weak with short time intervals SadShape [1k\]: we will see if mogo make the same joseki here... ] ;B[rq]BL[3318.382]C[NemoEimi [?\]: a 9x9 game would have been VERY interesting in my book :) jsc [14k\]: proof that score estimate only works in the endgame........... Batavia [5k\]: anywhere/anyone who could give some information about what the usage is those 800 processors? alexanro [7k\]: score estimate works fine after the first move as well Zyphe [9k\]: hmmm wouldnt you say that 9 or even 12 stone handi isnt a true estimate of mogo's strength due to the fact that every player is different in their proficiency with handicap go? pebarefoot [12k\]: sake no good for electronics ! the potched watt never toils joelw [12k\]: it's hard for a 9x9 game to be very interesting if there's handi involved ] ;W[ro]WL[3506.423]C[Kashuu [1k\]: at work i sometimes play gnugo and give him 9 stones, ive played the first 89 moves in the exact same order.. after he lost to me with the same moves last round, what im trying to say it.. computers dont seem to learn kuikentje [5k\]: if I were to estimate who were ahead - without knowledge of the players - I'd say black too, jsc Sebass [7k\]: Batavia: Wikipedia. ekku [-\]: i think you could tweak the monte carlo with heuristics from analyzer pro games Celila [-\]: mogo is simulating possible scenarios, it's not using pro games ekku [-\]: so that it seeds more likely paths to the elimination gentil [6d\]: next is q3 ] ;B[qn]BL[3290.811]C[gentil [6d\]: and capture somthing TanGeng [2d?\]: ahh the monte carlo method ] ;W[pq]WL[3503.865]C[NemoEimi [?\]: 9x9 should of course be played without handicap :) Amano [12k\]: ^^ Kashuu [1k\]: there are not alot of pro games anyway with 9 stones ;p Tors [5k\]: does mogo think during opponents turn? ibd [16k\]: Kashuu: gnugo is a program that responds to same moves the same, always. mogo shouldn't do that TanGeng [2d?\]: nice random walk algorithms NemoEimi [?\]: mogo is not yet at the point of being able to give a pro handicap at 9x9 ;) jtn [6k\]: tors: yes teytaud [-\]: Tors: yes. ] ;B[op]BL[3262.202] ;W[pr]WL[3502.053]C[gentil [6d\]: o5 McCrusty [1k\]: Myungwan's goal is to win using the least time possible? Tors [5k\]: thanks Dragonette [6k\]: MyungWan has made 20 moves in 1 min 38 sec, mogo ain't getting much thinking time gentil [6d\]: if b is strong, o5 Zyphe [9k\]: computer go will take off when we develope more complex learning ai! zpt [2d?\]: USGO, is it possible to arrange 9x9 game after this game? Singer [10k\]: Is it generally recognised that the pro would completely pwn the bot without a handicap? alexanro [7k\]: now mogo plays r2? Hagios [4k\]: Far as I'm aware, mogo only beat a pro once, as white, with 7.5 komi on 9x9 ] ;B[no]BL[3232.706]C[XY0908 [-\]: Mr. Kim is using another computer. ] ;W[rn]WL[3498.865]C[gentil [6d\]: damm ketchup [6k\]: zpt, i think myungwan still has a game to play chrono3450 [1d\]: B got cheated here ketchup [6k\]: for the usopen szaloony [3k\]: QUIZ: who invented monte carlo algorithm and is the father of hydrogen bomb? (skynet is coming..) mlnmiles [1d\]: P:) zpt [2d?\]: ketchup, are you sure? ketchup [6k\]: yes IanO: Teller used MC? mlnmiles [1d\]: NJeumann TanGeng [2d?\]: yeah, black is over concentrated ] ;B[on]BL[3202.455]C[mlnmiles [1d\]: and Ulam ato [6k\]: no ketchup [6k\]: last time i checked.. mlnmiles [1d\]: Neumann* and Ulam ato [6k\]: father of hydrogen bomb is teller toxygen [?\]: someone speaks chinese to thank him? :) shabam: xie xie Sakae [-\]: well he is korean theremin [1k\]: xiexie ] ;W[dn]WL[3485.26]C[jhouse [3k\]: was capturing that ladder necessary? I would think not mlnmiles [1d\]: Openheimer XapoH [4k\]: Сахаров %) ato [6k\]: and MC is by Ulam blackrain [6k\]: skyneyt is a satt. deployed by england is already up Squirrel [-\]: mogo wuz robbed Rakeliem [1d\]: o2 Sakae [-\]: this bot know no sabaki or nothing... it's really... PowerP [3d\]: b is just a touch overconcentrated Sebass [7k\]: It wasn't needed.... I think. szaloony [3k\]: teller is called father of hydrogen bomb. who is the real father? ato [6k\]: oppenheimer is father of manhattan projest -> atomic bomb kuikentje [5k\]: it's a bot sakae. ] ;B[qr]BL[3171.223]C[Kashuu [1k\]: I cant shake the feeling off me that this bot is much stronger when you play it without stones royalty [3d\]: this again telchar [-\]: overconcentration is acceptable in 9h game... alexanro [7k\]: hah, knew mogo would play r2 :) Kashuu [1k\]: atleast the openings look decent then tromp [-\]: better p3? pasky [1k\]: I hate git-gui T.T TanGeng [2d?\]: it's playing very conservatively despite its it being so early in the game serimgasum [10k\]: loooool Sakae [-\]: so I don't think that will work to well.. theremin [1k\]: but korean :) Sakae [-\]: too* ] ;W[nq]WL[3467.314]C[Rakeliem [1d\]: poor mogo ekku [-\]: it's not trying to emulate human deduction, it's just crunching propabilities. certo [1k\]: 800 vs 1 is sort of unfair, they should make it 800 pros vs 800 computers PowerP [3d\]: hahaha Amano [12k\]: too hard Nyanjilla [-\]: mogo did that bottom right cornr last time IanO: 800 pros would never agree toxygen [?\]: ha chrono3450 [1d\]: it's not unfair because the computer is not human Amano [12k\]: imagine 800 pros wondring about where to play ibd [16k\]: it playing conservatively means it thinks it is winning. Sebass [7k\]: So, MoGo is using a brute force algorithm? serimgasum [10k\]: i can speak korean ] ;B[oq]BL[3139.139]C[ahmadr [10k\]: Origatu Godaimas. beer [1d\]: can type? serimgasum [10k\]: sure NemoEimi [?\]: google translate speaks korean I think ^^ certo [1k\]: that looks similar to japanese ] ;W[or]WL[3465.198]C[trumpet [3k\]: then the bot might stand a chance Candidate [2k?\]: certo, the pros would lose on time :D jhouse [3k\]: 800 computers vs 800 of me = mogo victory Sakae [-\]: certo, humans doesn't posses that superior teamwork thinking kuikentje [5k\]: not entirely Sebass og [9k\]: sebass, wikipedia computer go, all answers are there Kashuu [1k\]: 800 pro vs 800 cores = bot wins on time kukulis4 [2d\]: white already got free move at D6 gentil [6d\]: b alive in corner kuikentje [5k\]: a summary of the algoritm can be found here: alexanro [7k\]: Nyanjilla: oh, ok :) kuikentje [5k\]: http://www.lri.fr/~gelly/MoGo.htm Yaxamie [14k\]: just take a democratic result from the pros Sebass [7k\]: Thanks :D Aliens243 [9k?\]: the pros using a kind of voting system to choose the moves gentil [6d\]: just t2 ] ;B[mr]BL[3106.108]C[Sakae [-\]: here's my summary of the algorithim...: Random Sakae [-\]: he's a pro, he keeps himself unknown ] ;W[nr]WL[3461.027]C[royalty [3d\]: democratic result-> average of the coordinates Candidate [2k?\]: We know! Now shu... floss [5k\]: there are 10^9 processors in myungwan's case. 3000 is nothing. mlnmiles [1d\]: not that random Rakeliem [1d\]: black might live in corner Rakeliem [1d\]: with ko threat iphicles [1k?\]: Show us? Sebass [7k\]: :D ] ;B[mq]BL[3072.213]C[zpt [2d?\]: human processors are much weaker, floss gandhi [-\]: anyone not a dan is a beginner Namii [-\]: Pro will not make the R1 mistake jhouse [3k\]: Singer, I bet you could once you noticed the S7, T4 combo ] (;W[qs]WL[3455.338]C[Amano [12k\]: not sure bearclaw: floss: but working at, what, 100Hz top each? :) floss [5k\]: just pointing out the absurdity DonkeyKong [11k\]: live..how? Squirrel [-\]: i dont think 800 pros voting would be better unless they discussed ibd [16k\]: floss: but myungwan can't calculate millions of multiplications a second, for example ekku [-\]: humans aren't processors royalty [3d\]: r1? CHUCHU [9k\]: how can he live? ekku [-\]: we're deductors pasky [1k\]: git-gui is just unusable :( Rakeliem [1d\]: atleast if white tried n4 CHUCHU [9k\]: t2 Sebass [7k\]: Black S1 might allow ko for life? Aliens243 [9k?\]: a neuron can't be compared to a processor. Sebass [7k\]: Err Sebass [7k\]: Nevermind. kuikentje [5k\]: he also can't read quite as many moves as Mogo - but he knows which moves will end up nowhere in the blink of an eye chrono3450 [1d\]: millions? someone is dillusional Sakae [-\]: it's a matter of level Sakae [-\]: anyone not high dan is a beginner ] ;B[rs]BL[3037.364]C[Aliens243 [9k?\]: a transistor at most DeCard88 [13k\]: what means 8p ? ] ;W[sq]WL[3452.705]C[kuikentje [5k\]: intuition is the key here Tsuijin [1d\]: hands up! Sebass [7k\]: 8-professional. mrkibbles [1d?\]: interesting Amano [12k\]: ^p means like :p Sebass [7k\]: Ahaha Longshi [-\]: the kgs kibitz is the random factor here Amano [12k\]: 8 for the eyes chrono3450 [1d\]: 8p = 8 dan pro tromp [-\]: w mistake? Rakeliem [1d\]: yea looks like w dead pasky [1k\]: er, I mean gogui :) kilroy [2d\]: isn't the standard tesuji s1 instead of r1? ] ;B[ps]BL[3001.691] ;W[sr]WL[3450.174]C[masek [1d\]: white want ko kilroy [2d\]: maybe white wants sente? Zyphe [9k\]: i would disagree with the humans ability to crunch numbers compared to that of a processor gentil [6d\]: o4 SadShape [1k\]: looks like myungwan will have a very hard job in this game chrono3450 [1d\]: wow chrono3450 [1d\]: B kills W chrono3450 [1d\]: this early ketchup [6k\]: p1 royalty [3d\]: t4 kukulis4 [2d\]: black O1 now ? seku [1k\]: zyphe: professor? mlnmiles [1d\]: p1 a disater masek [1d\]: рь bugtaker [2d\]: O1 Pu [5k?\]: not p1 gentil [6d\]: o4 masek [1d\]: hm Sebass [7k\]: O-1? blackrain [6k\]: w fine Hagios [4k\]: o1? Hagios [4k\]: Looks like the answer to me TanGeng [2d?\]: t4 masek [1d\]: mistaked ] ;B[ns]BL[2965.008]C[gentil [6d\]: just o4 royalty [3d\]: nice USGO15 [-\]: Ing Game, Round 4 will be starting soon. Live commentary from Guo Juan 5P Squirrel [-\]: oups Lothus [1d\]: lol TwoStoned: white should undo... Rakeliem [1d\]: is this a tougher mogo? joelw [12k\]: o1 bugtaker [2d\]: lol Lychee [7k\]: uh oh TanGeng [2d?\]: wow Himura [7k\]: o1 would sting now Singer [10k\]: S2? Olmerek [12k?\]: man, white is cheating ^^ SoniCJump [3k\]: owned Amano [12k\]: white dead ; non ? hakusai [6d\]: wow kukulis4 [2d\]: oh no TanGeng [2d?\]: ouch Klever [10k\]: попа ( Sebass [7k\]: O-1 works! Lothus [1d\]: nice bot! shabam: o snap Squirrel [-\]: it's not a tougher mogo, it's weaker white gentil [6d\]: w cannot win this one t0Strong4u [-\]: w is so behind mlnmiles [1d\]: resign :D blackrain [6k\]: ouch Lever [12k\]: :( chrono3450 [1d\]: this seems tougher because of the time - with more time, mogo can search more strings and find better moves ] ;W[rj]WL[3412.978]C[telchar [-\]: now this is like 15 handi :) jhouse [3k\]: USGO15, what's MyungWan doing now? I assume not clapping Singer [10k\]: Poor little pro :( SoniCJump [3k\]: no match royalty [3d\]: painful Batavia [5k\]: maybe they shoudl try 4H next Longshi [-\]: white wanted to test black more likely prixdefer [1k\]: probably looking to leave it and start a ko or similar elsewhere, compter go no good at kos chrono3450 [1d\]: W underestimated B ketchup [6k\]: d6 overplay ftw! silentfear [16k\]: gg no re kukulis4 [2d\]: no just d6 was too early ketchup [6k\]: then again, not unreasonable in handi game Sakae [-\]: thinking machine 4 shows a good visual thingy for that kind of thing kukulis4 [2d\]: but d6 still big Kashuu [1k\]: white O3 overplay? ] ;B[gd]BL[2927.475]C[trumpet [3k\]: hehe, as i said. Mogo lured him into overconfidence ;) Yxven [2k\]: silent uo? Kashuu [1k\]: O2 works? ] ;W[gp]WL[3406.937]C[royalty [3d\]: mogo is stroong zpt [2d?\]: trumpet, lol Longshi [-\]: r1 was the overplay here chrono3450 [1d\]: i told you, mogo is 2d level change [-\]: how stong is this bot? mlnmiles [1d\]: a 9p game in 'Active ga mes' beer [1d\]: Mogo starts to behave like Deep Blue against Kasparov ^_^ Squirrel [-\]: mogo is not freaking 2d level chrono3450 [1d\]: lol Mocramis [9k?\]: bots ar Mocramis [9k?\]: e antipro: r1 was just a simply miss. but its funny that a pro can still make such mistakes ibd [16k\]: too early to judge the bot imho ] ;B[gj]BL[2889.146]C[trumpet [3k\]: mogo will become insei soon Tsuijin [1d\]: err Longshi [-\]: maybe missclick Yaxamie [14k\]: mogo could be 2d at 2 years / move Amano [12k\]: beer=>chess, non ? ] ;W[dg]WL[3398.617]C[Zyphe [9k\]: science has proven many times over that the neurons in the brain are thousands of times faster and that processing on that scale is way higher then that of any computer.. one has to take into account what all the braind does.. it is crunching trillions of problems a sec just keeping the human body going...and thats before we try and think TanGeng [2d?\]: s1 was correct right? SoniCJump [3k\]: mogo 8 dan pro antipro: r1 kind of shows white doesnt take the gmae really seriously Zureiyaa [-\]: what did the pro just do in the lower right.........????????? Mocramis [9k?\]: bots are invincible in litles tsumegos Zureiyaa [-\]: is he really 1k? sigmundur [4k\]: Zyphe: but the neurons aren't too dedicated on cruching go positions, on the most part Zureiyaa [-\]: that's ridiculous... Amano [12k\]: he's even 8p Longshi [-\]: he missclicked I think alexanro [7k\]: Zyphe: "science has proven" = show reference Zureiyaa [-\]: can't watch this crap ] ;B[gg]BL[2849.858]C[ibd [16k\]: yeah zyphe, but keeping the body going doesn't help go :p igojutsu [4k\]: nuerons are actually REALLY SLOW... but there are VERY MANY of them... that is why the brain can compute quicker ] ;W[cd]WL[3390.079]C[domn [14k?\]: Please stop with the armchair neuroscience/philosophy of mind and read some Daniel Dennet books or something do Mocramis [9k?\]: you can't kill a bot in a without ko and really simple tsumego chrono3450 [1d\]: daniel dennet can go learn some biology TanGeng [2d?\]: neurons are associative so it's patterns that are easy trumpet [3k\]: s1 inst of r1 was right for w imho igojutsu [4k\]: <--- professional cog. sci. not armchair :P TanGeng [2d?\]: lots and lots of connectivity beer [1d\]: human thinking is not just about brain/neurons, there's something called consciousness which is not related to physical body Keld [-\]: domn: Dennett is wrong, read Chalmers or Searle :) ] ;B[de]BL[2809.469] ;W[ce]WL[3387.862]C[Sakae [-\]: they are really fast but very few of them :D chrono3450 [1d\]: beer - no proof of that Sakae [-\]: new we have 3 theories Sebass [7k\]: Oh god. Beer, stop now. TwoStoned: yay patrickb! Singer [10k\]: couldn't r1 have worked if he'd just connected at Q1 afterwards? ekku [-\]: i think i need some beer. tillydilly [-\]: lol @ beer Articuno [-\]: Cmon Mogo, go super sayian and show him who's boss igojutsu [4k\]: sure... this game looks pretty boring so far CHUCHU [9k\]: how did he type in bold? ibd [16k\]: beer kills my processors :p TanGeng [2d?\]: q1? beer [1d\]: Human is not just phusical, and that is why computers will never have intuition Sakae [-\]: je Dragonette [6k\]: no Singer, then black plays T2 and lives Wizzos [4k\]: actually brain isn't faster. It just doesn't consider positions that seem obviously wrong. Can be tricky some times ] ;B[cc]BL[2768.385]C[Sakae [-\]: he's admin* TanGeng [2d?\]: black lives in corner ] ;W[bc]WL[3385.63]C[PowerP [3d\]: w could still win kuikentje [5k\]: this game is going to be a letdown =( t0Strong4u [-\]: hard tho w00t [2d\]: b feels the pain now igojutsu [4k\]: hard to see how this game will get exciting since MoGo is not conscious ^^ Uberdude [2d\]: singer t2 Sebass [7k\]: beer.... Let's restrict our speech to facts :D sigmundur [4k\]: don't feed the beer troll |: progers [12k\]: where does B answer White's S2? proutoz0re: beer you say that because you're not atheist chrono3450 [1d\]: B is still way ahead, even in raw territory Candidate [2k?\]: b dont feel pain.. Kosai [2k\]: progres: R1 Dragonette [6k\]: R1 Snowman8 [9k\]: what is this who programed mogotitan and made it so strong? TwoStoned: i wish theb eer troll would feed me ] ;B[dc]BL[2726.437]C[trumpet [3k\]: r1 progers ] ;W[ch]WL[3377.949]C[progers [12k\]: ah, I see it now Sakae [-\]: I don't see any beer.. beer [1d\]: every1 can prove it by using Kirlian camera progers [12k\]: thanks trumpet [3k\]: and then w cant approach jtn [6k\]: http://www.lri.fr/~gelly/MoGo.htm Sakae [-\]: oh there Amano [12k\]: what do MS means ? Stormer [2k\]: mogo was programmerd by a guy in china i belive ibd [16k\]: snowman: mogotitan uses black magic, that's why it's so strong Amano [12k\]: on their clock Longshi [-\]: you don´t need to be strong to program a strong bot teytaud [-\]: mogo was programmed in France igojutsu [4k\]: if it uses magic then it can be conscious ibd [16k\]: yeah stormer, and I'm the pope seku [1k\]: stormer: in france i believe Amano [12k\]: france ! turingtest [3k?\]: knowing the common mogobot, this bot plays much more solid. Stormer [2k\]: hmm Sebass [7k\]: Whoa, you're the pope too? ] ;B[df]BL[2683.37]C[Stormer [2k\]: oh im sorry i am getting it mixed up with a different program ] ;W[cf]WL[3375.508]C[Dragonette [6k\]: Amano: do you use a non-english client? Singer [10k\]: I thought I was the pope! Sebass [7k\]: Maybe we're both the pope. markboon [?\]: Whoa, the game started early? TanGeng [2d?\]: have you played the common mogobot with 9 stones? Amano [12k\]: dragonette)> what ? ibd [16k\]: maybe Mogotitan is the chinese pope prixdefer [1k\]: Anti-pope says watch game Mocramis [9k?\]: the commom mogobot run on a common computer LapinBlanc [2k?\]: Yep, mogo was programmed near Paris actually Amano [12k\]: you mean, french ? Dragonette [6k\]: I don't have MS on their clock anywhere on my client sosuddenly [?\]: how strong is da bot? Rakeliem [1d\]: c3? turingtest [3k?\]: tangeng: hehe, no. Dragonette [6k\]: I do have SD, which means "sudden death" ] ;B[eg]BL[2639.585]C[toxygen [?\]: 실수 하진 않았나요? gandhi [-\]: dans are apprentices ] ;W[eh]WL[3373.751]C[Amano [12k\]: i use french client Amano [12k\]: ah ok Wizzos [4k\]: lapinblanc is the only other opponent of Mogotitan chrono3450 [1d\]: W is playing really fast markboon [?\]: Is this the pro playing? t0Strong4u [-\]: r17 would b big Amano [12k\]: "mort subite" TanGeng [2d?\]: the motecarlo strategy changes with handi Amano [12k\]: for MS Singer [10k\]: I wish I was as good as either of these :( fotland [?\]: yes, mark, pro playing. markwebb [5k\]: white rabbit TanGeng [2d?\]: of course this mogo bot will be better markboon [?\]: I can't believe W R1 fotland [?\]: scheduled start was 2 hours ago joelw [12k\]: f12 alexanro [7k\]: could we make MoGo play better by using several computers over the net? Wizzos [4k\]: did you participate to its programming? fotland [?\]: but they played a couple of blitz games first markboon [?\]: where S1 is the standard way to win kuikentje [5k\]: poor MyungWan ] ;B[fh]BL[2594.797] ;W[ei]WL[3370.472]C[Mocramis [9k?\]: at paris tournament (MOGO vs Catalin), Mogo lost with a enormous ko mistake masek [1d\]: R1 was miss Longshi [-\]: alexanro : internet connection would be too slow I think TanGeng [2d?\]: yeah white can't afford this kind of exchange now Singer [10k\]: would T3 have worked better? alexanro [7k\]: Longshi: ok, thanks Dragonette [6k\]: Alexanro: It'd be hard because of the latency involved. Kosai [2k\]: are they playing one game only here? Sakae [-\]: and packetloss teytaud [-\]: Only one non-blitz game Sakae [-\]: :D ] ;B[ej]BL[2549.622]C[Mocramis [9k?\]: does whithe panicked ? lovebach [4d\]: why R1 i am trying to see why S1 doesn't work jhouse [3k\]: they played 3 blitz prior, but only one long game ] ;W[fn]WL[3365.754]C[TanGeng [2d?\]: and you could say that black solidly owns about 1/4 of the board already Candidate [2k?\]: I wonder if Mogo uses some algorithm to calculate where the randomised stones should be put, or if each position is as likely... alexanro [7k\]: But, it's not much information being sent? zeb [8k\]: oh man... you know what would be amazing? zeb [8k\]: rengo with bots Longshi [-\]: I think it does lovebach turingtest [3k?\]: internet connection fails because of the sharing of the search tree dont work, i think. Amano [12k\]: myungwan is very fast to play..waw Longshi [-\]: but missclick is the best explanation I think Singer [10k\]: could bots do rengo? zeb [8k\]: why not? TanGeng [2d?\]: bots could Articuno [-\]: that'd be hilarious hikaru78 [15k\]: i dunno TanGeng [2d?\]: yeah gandhi [-\]: i think it may have been better for Myung Wan not to play any rehearsal games with faster times against mogo Amano [12k\]: singer==>could be fun hikaru78 [15k\]: yea trumpet [3k\]: teams with bot and human ] ;B[mf]BL[2504.331]C[gandhi [-\]: may-> might Celila [-\]: candidate it's based on monte carlo serimgasum [10k\]: xddddd ] ;W[mc]WL[3361.308]C[Singer [10k\]: wouldn't two different algorithms crash horribly to make it 25k rengo? :P ibd [16k\]: lal Articuno [-\]: exactly Articuno [-\]: lol Amano [12k\]: possible TanGeng [2d?\]: nah singer no it won't Mocramis [9k?\]: be fast look useless in absolute Timed game Mocramis [9k?\]: it's possible SpongeBob [5k\]: yeah - destroy black territory!! TanGeng [2d?\]: i think the computer is basically memoryless Candidate [2k?\]: Yes cecilia, but does it use some statistical method BEFORE the sampling? hikaru78 [15k\]: go MYUNG ] ;B[nc]BL[2458.974]C[Candidate [2k?\]: say, 1/r from last stone Mocramis [9k?\]: at the Paris' Tournament Mogo crashes two times ] ;W[nb]WL[3343.29]C[TanGeng [2d?\]: the monte carlo method isn't fully random juhop [1d\]: it has patterns that affect random playouts etc sigmundur [4k\]: Candidate: it has simple local pattern table sigmundur [4k\]: read the pdf prixdefer [1k\]: markov chains, blah just flip a coin oloosh [?\]: mac play chess well pasky [1k\]: my mogo things it is losing alexanro [7k\]: turingtest: mogo is split in threads, so it should be possible to split it to several machines too, I would think. pasky [1k\]: 43% probability of win Singer [10k\]: If it was random, it would be 30k, unless there was a HUGE coincidence... Candidate [2k?\]: tangeng, thanks, that was my question. ] ;B[lc]BL[2413.722]C[TanGeng [2d?\]: you have to account for the fact that games like this there are obvious single moves that win games beer [1d\]: Is it possible to make a program which can LEARN go, starting from the rules and then learn 5-10 years, reaching pro-level after that? Longshi [-\]: 30 kyu plays quite a bit worse than random ] ;W[oc]WL[3340.833]C[pasky [1k\]: moreover, my mogo would like to play r17 now Wizzos [4k\]: could neurons nets be used to estimate te value of a move? TanGeng [2d?\]: and those moves have to be played lovebach [4d\]: Maybe againsr S1 (instead of R1), Black cut in S7 IanO: it integrates the result of thousands of random "playouts" to make a sort of evaluation function Longshi [-\]: I mean, random doesn't push ladders that don't work gandhi [-\]: wizzos, not very easily McCrusty [1k\]: pasky - where did you get the program from? pasky [1k\]: oh god, never mind me gandhi [-\]: nobody has been able to do it TwoStoned: please god, make the pseudo-science stop... Dragonette [6k\]: Wizzos: runs into a sample size problem. teytaud [-\]: mogo can be downloaded freely pasky [1k\]: gogui is STILL not working properly :( teytaud [-\]: (a limited version however) alexanro [7k\]: beer: I think so. The challenge is to find a language to express the teching in. ] ;B[mb]BL[2368.488]C[Dragonette [6k\]: wizzos: and it's "nueral nets" Singer [10k\]: I remember playing out ladders that didn't work, in the full knowledge that they didn't work pasky [1k\]: I was trying to get that thing to work for the last 20 minutes :/ ] ;W[od]WL[3338.105]C[Singer [10k\]: I don't remember why I did it kuikentje [5k\]: there's a download section at the info page: http://www.lri.fr/~gelly/MoGo.htm telchar [-\]: don't worry singer, lee chang ho makes that too Articuno [-\]: driving tesuji! ] ;B[oe]BL[2323.167]C[alexanro [7k\]: MoGo rocks the score estimator ;) ] ;W[pe]WL[3335.314]C[Longshi [-\]: lee chang ho ? pasky [1k\]: I gve up Longshi [-\]: I remember Lee Sedol doing that Articuno [-\]: duh, SE is mogo's little cousin Longshi [-\]: but not Lee Changho pasky [1k\]: I don't know how to ask my mogo about moves telchar [-\]: ah yes it was sedol Mocramis [9k?\]: of course, it's a handicaps game Longshi [-\]: he knew why he was doing it though ] ;B[ob]BL[2277.904]C[Singer [10k\]: Lee sedol is cleverer than me, though ;) Casillux [?\]: pasky: what is your UI? blackrain [6k\]: lee sedol did the ladder and another pro did it before him ] ;W[pc]WL[3322.833]C[Longshi [-\]: kageyama did it too Singer [10k\]: I can't help but feel that inspiration on Lee Sedol's level is wasted on go... pasky [1k\]: casillux: gogui - got any hints on what else to use? Casillux [?\]: gogui us good, let's chat in private Yaxamie [14k\]: i figured it out Yaxamie [14k\]: w did the right thing in the bottom right Senkaku [7k\]: s1 couldn't work because blk R1 then you can't play at T1 or blk T4 is stolen your stones serimgasum ] ;B[qd]BL[2232.599]C[seku [1k\]: singer: or anything else that is important to you =) Sakae [-\]: huh Singer what do you mean? lemurov [-\]: b'll lost on time Nyanjilla [-\]: chat in private would be a good idea Sakae [-\]: Lee Sedol isn't einstein... seku [1k\]: :D ] ;W[qe]WL[3295.251]C[Pinchilei [2d\]: he is more clever blackrain [6k\]: einstein wasn't einstein Mocramis [9k?\]: Mogo become faster when the game is more closed Yaxamie [14k\]: all of that unresolved aji in the bottom right is causing black to los lot's of processes rechecking the bottom Yaxamie [14k\]: with every move Stormer [2k\]: haha Singer [10k\]: Perhaps the bottom was a devious computer-tesuji by w! Mocramis [9k?\]: there are less options markboon [?\]: Does B R17 work? kuikentje [5k\]: haha Yaxamie ] ;B[qc]BL[2187.419]C[prixdefer [1k\]: br just ko material ] ;W[pb]WL[3292.171]C[alexanro [7k\]: Yaxamie: if you figured it out, where should white play? I think white died in the lower right Longshi [-\]: that could be true Yaxami, except that black would have checked bottom anyway ^^ Pinchilei [2d\]: don't think it takes much time, not much combinaisons Pinchilei [2d\]: also probably he doesn't recompute when no moves are played around joelw [12k\]: einstein was actually jimmy neutron after a terrible experiment backfired and aged him 60 years Stormer [2k\]: honestly if that were the case you think it would end up choosing another move there Pinchilei [2d\]: I hope... Stormer [2k\]: to remove the aji Yaxamie [14k\]: nah, white loses it, but black loses maybe 5s per move Yaxamie [14k\]: rechecking the corner ] ;B[na]BL[2142.144]C[EnHoeDan [4k?\]: what is the benefit of 8000 processors ] ;W[qb]WL[3288.485]C[patrickb [-\]: It TanGeng [2d?\]: well the good thing the monte carlo method is that it's an easy parallel algorithm markboon [?\]: Ah, W is lucky :) sigmundur [4k\]: it's true that the "if A leads to B leads to C, play only C" is specially effective against a computer Zyphe [9k\]: i wonder how well mogo is with ko threats erice: more processors means extend more nodes telchar [-\]: it scales well patrickb [-\]: It's 800, and it lets the computer examine more random variations at each step. Mocramis [9k?\]: Mogo could calculate more possibilities TanGeng [2d?\]: so the 8000 processors are all doing simulations Stormer [2k\]: what sort of machine is this running on? Mocramis [9k?\]: and so check more moves amadis [2k\]: last i heard mogo doesn't understand ko at all Yaxamie [14k\]: it's running on LOTS of machines ] ;B[rb]BL[2096.743] ;W[re]WL[3282.17]C[amadis [2k\]: and wastes ko threats like they were nothing kuikentje [5k\]: haven't you seen him do so last games, amadis? Longshi [-\]: w messed up again ? kuikentje [5k\]: he played zero point sente moves troughout the game uurtamo [8k?\]: UL looks pretty big. Stormer [2k\]: oh, they built a supercomputer? ancientOne [2d?\]: considering the amount that is taking the computer to process this, really puts me in awe of the capacity of the human mind. Mocramis [9k?\]: it's that who make it lost last time Batavia [5k\]: so anyone counted? joelw [12k\]: w is fine Longshi [-\]: oh ok EnHoeDan [4k?\]: b f3 is the biggest Sakae [-\]: why not s15 at s19 ? Sakae [-\]: maybe it's something obvious.. Sakae [-\]: could someone asnwer why? Sakae [-\]: I want to know why D: cormorant [13k?\]: hey... so this was a record right cormorant [13k?\]: quite a few stones jump? Merlinor [9k?\]: well he showed us the two parts of the game where he lost his points Sakae [-\]: no Sakae [-\]: first he showed our confusion Sakae [-\]: about r1 Sakae [-\]: which wasn't a misstake trumpet [3k\]: well, s1 s7 r1 works for w, but looses r8 stone trumpet [3k\]: dunno which is bigger Sakae [-\]: neither do I Senkaku [7k\]: because two possibilites if white s19 blk s15 then either blk connect is stones either he capture white r18 grp sakae Sakae [-\]: hmm Sakae [-\]: s19 s15 s14 s17 o15 p14 o14 o14 o16 p13 Sakae [-\]: can't be captured Senkaku [7k\]: r19 first is the key Sakae [-\]: p11 gets disonnected though Sakae [-\]: I think Sakae [-\]: r19 doesn't do anything Senkaku [7k\]: s19,s15,S14,r19, Senkaku [7k\]: if white play s16 Senkaku [7k\]: then Senkaku [7k\]: s17,s15,o16 can be a possibilite to kill so white should not play here Senkaku [7k\]: if white choose to play s17 at the place of s16 Senkaku [7k\]: then blk can make atari r14 Senkaku [7k\]: does someone ok with me ? Senkaku [7k\]: Sakae have left, it's pity cormorant [13k?\]: pity ne Swordfish7 [5d\]: 1.5?! Swordfish7 [5d\]: i just came back Swordfish7 [5d\]: black was ahead 50 Swordfish7 [5d\]: howd he get 1.5 Sakae [-\]: pro tesuji Sakae [-\]: Mogo decided to take the ko Sakae [-\]: and close it Sakae [-\]: so Myuang got 2 tenuki moves ] (;B[fi]BL[2051.414]C[telchar [-\]: the result of w invasion is :S Mocramis [9k?\]: Human mind proceed by analogy ] ;W[ne]WL[3266.827]C[Singer [10k\]: C10? ibd [16k\]: ancient: that's because go wasn't made for/by computers :p yoyoma [1d\]: black R19 connect under .... yoyoma [1d\]: *was* there Longshi [-\]: ancientone : we use way better algorithm BreatheGo [5k\]: how strong would this mogo be? lovebach [4d\]: i don't think a computer losing time rechecking the bottom corner that is quite clear Mocramis [9k?\]: and have a giant librairy of xperience GoTal [10k\]: is it the best go robot? lovebach [4d\]: we are soon in yose ancientOne [2d?\]: it's just nice to be put in awe by something that i posess, u know. but anyway, back to the game markboon [?\]: B S18 would have saved the corner Mocramis [9k?\]: that mogo hav'nt Sakae [-\]: d4 is still unbplayed alexanro [7k\]: BreatheGo: mogo is as strong as the computing power you can throw at it chrono3450 [1d\]: the bot is really strong in yose chrono3450 [1d\]: so it can only go well for the bot Articuno [-\]: I hope mogo doesn't throw away d4 haphazardly Zureiyaa [-\]: I quit watching after r1 ] ;B[of]BL[2006.301]C[cormorant [13k?\]: i would imagine he speaks english better than we all would korean ] (;W[nf]WL[3263.513]C[Senkaku [7k\]: C11 better C10 joelw [12k\]: b has s18 uurtamo [8k?\]: p14 really bad. HowToLose [5k\]: well, yose is a lot easier to calculate than the abstract middle-game Mocramis [9k?\]: exepts in ko Stormer [2k\]: actually cant b still connect under this way kuikentje [5k\]: let alone opening, HowToLose Singer [10k\]: How good would mogo be in the opening? jhgf [5k\]: this game is very boring Beanbag [3d\]: b need work on yose Damir [3k\]: o16 master117 [6k\]: o16 looks nice jhgf [5k\]: tho interesting in principle ] ;B[nd]BL[1960.955] ;W[og]WL[3257.121]C[Longshi [-\]: then don't watch it jhgf memememe4 [?\]: no Stormer [2k\]: probably not that good at the opening, but in a 9h game, no opening :) jhgf [5k\]: cant help it memememe4 [?\]: why not s17 zeb [8k\]: what just happened? lovebach [4d\]: Mogo made a yose mistake in the 2nd blitz today, its not simple arpad [1d\]: weird yoyoma [1d\]: aha black can connect under and threat to save R17 next Mocramis [9k?\]: R19 no ? toxygen [?\]: pro used 5:43 minutes toxygen [?\]: interesting toxygen [?\]: he didn't take his time Mocramis [9k?\]: it's sente ] ;B[qa]BL[1915.631] ;W[pf]WL[3254.5]C[zpt [2d?\]: everyone has experiended this lag? Sakae [-\]: and you're 1d... kuikentje [5k\]: I bet he's annoyed now that he ever accepted this challenge tsiki [1d\]: meh, annoying when the pro doesn't take it seriously Stormer [2k\]: lets see if it knows enough to torhow in at p15 TanGeng [2d?\]: so black can toss in at p15 now TanGeng [2d?\]: ahh TanGeng [2d?\]: nice bagman [4d\]: i hope b plays throw-in joelw [12k\]: why would he be annoyed now? master117 [6k\]: q19 first Sakae [-\]: he's starting to take it serous Olmerek [12k?\]: toxygen, mogo thinks also when it is w's turn joelw [12k\]: if he runs into some very good plays, he should appreciate them ] ;B[pa]BL[1870.309]C[pasky [1k\]: \\o/ I managed to work around all the gogui bugs ] ;W[cq]WL[3251.312]C[Stormer [2k\]: ahh shameful Candidate [2k?\]: :O Singer [10k\]: ? telchar [-\]: no throw in Mocramis [9k?\]: O_o Sakae [-\]: now when he saw mogo knew he could tenuki Yaxamie [14k\]: !!!!! TanGeng [2d?\]: but it is a waste of points Hagios [4k\]: o.O giygas [4k\]: nice Sakae [-\]: or he couldn't.. Mocramis [9k?\]: not so memememe4 [?\]: what? Sakae [-\]: but he did anyway Olmerek [12k?\]: experiment ? Stormer [2k\]: a 10kyu would get that move Mocramis [9k?\]: he only lost the stones Hagios [4k\]: Offering a trade? pasky [1k\]: _now_ my mogo hopefully thinks it has 98% chance of win on the correct board takayanagi [4d\]: w spent 6 minutes? lol theremin [1k\]: C3 is enormous Oshi [3k\]: 10 pts memememe4 [?\]: I think he wants to cause the computer a malfunction theremin [1k\]: and P15 10pts gote progers [12k\]: uh!? markboon [?\]: W is playing too fast ] ;B[oe]BL[1824.883]C[thefuture [5k?\]: 9 points pasky [1k\]: H6 K6 K8 P15 S16 are best move candidates for my mogo ] ;W[iq]WL[3244.646]C[theremin [1k\]: around 10 royalty [3d\]: it's more than 10 pts pasky [1k\]: looks like titan chose p15 instead, hmm royalty [3d\]: about 17 Stormer [2k\]: more like 15 Yaxamie [14k\]: maybe it's a bigger move. theremin [1k\]: but W gains a lot in the exchange royalty [3d\]: 19 maybe Pinchilei [2d\]: around 20 SadShape [1k\]: like 10 reverse sente Sakae [-\]: more than 10 Stormer [2k\]: err ok ill defer to the 3d :) Sakae [-\]: it's like.. 13.... joelw [12k\]: h6 bagman [4d\]: s11 is big Singer [10k\]: Surely connecting was sente for w anyway? ibd [16k\]: it's interesting that mogo comes up with josekis itself, without any databases about them :) Sakae [-\]: no.. black lived Mocramis [9k?\]: white can't win TanGeng [2d?\]: hmmm Singer [10k\]: Wouldn't be have connected at S17? ] ;B[jq]BL[1779.562]C[Schlaefer [?\]: no databases? sure? ] ;W[ip]WL[3239.522]C[t0Strong4u [-\]: k3 slowwww TanGeng [2d?\]: hard for white to win now Pinchilei [2d\]: it has a database master117 [6k\]: mogo mogo^^ ibd [16k\]: no joseki database ketchup [6k\]: s11 or k133? telchar [-\]: no joseki database progers [12k\]: Mogo doesn't have a database sigmundur [4k\]: white still can win... black mistake, reduction in the top, big lower left hikaru78 [15k\]: MOGO GO ketchup [6k\]: k13* Stormer [2k\]: b18 looking huge ketchup [6k\]: ah wait c8 stlill there too lovebach [4d\]: C3 is nice to see for amators i bet Schlaefer [?\]: i would add a joseki database alexanro [7k\]: wonder if mogo caches solutions that pop up regularly toxygen [?\]: i doubt mogo doesn't know any joseki. Kosai [2k\]: I'd play C18 rather than B18 Pinchilei [2d\]: he does have a precalculated positions database evaluated by himself telchar [-\]: joseki databse weakens the bot :) ] ;B[jo]BL[1735.249]C[Sakae [-\]: no I think this is pretty much over ] ;W[bb]WL[3234.778]C[BigPhenix [3d\]: c6 black looks fine pasky [1k\]: 0.984535(179%) || 62917/109552(57%)(40%)(51%/0.02) || 440 |18 || K5 N15 M14 S2 R1 C18 K2 L9 L8 M8 ||SSP:K5 J8 J5 E8 C10 ||PSP:K5 J8 J5 E8 C10 ibd [16k\]: yes, database makes it weaker because you can't follow them blindly pasky [1k\]: this is snapshot of my mogo zeb [8k\]: mogo learns joseki, becomes three stones weaker? LapinBlanc [2k?\]: Well, it depends what kind of database, I implemented a big shape database that was learned automatically. BigPhenix [3d\]: what does it mean, pasky ? pasky [1k\]: 98% chance of win, k5 n15 m14 s2 r1... best sequence for both seku [1k\]: mogo is learning robot, no? kinda natural then to learn joseki =) Yaxamie [14k\]: ZEB: lol Kosai [2k\]: ooh :) pasky [1k\]: best moves for b k5 j8 j5 e8... BigPhenix [3d\]: ok Sakae [-\]: no pasky [1k\]: that was before k5 Francisco [3d\]: thank you pasky Sakae [-\]: monte carlo algorithim TanGeng [2d?\]: best path algorithms require ways to evaluate every single board position gandhi [-\]: mogo does not learn LapinBlanc [2k?\]: Other people implemented manual shapes or rules databases in Mogo kuikentje [5k\]: I don't think mogo learns, seku ] ;B[ir]BL[1692.063] ;W[hr]WL[3231.163]C[toxygen [?\]: pasky: well, these computations are basically useless. kuikentje [5k\]: go ai isn't quite that advanced yet seku [1k\]: ok Singer [10k\]: Were the games against the 2k to teach it something about go before playing the pro, then? og [9k\]: how has myung taken so little time? Schlaefer [?\]: just thought because in chess it's all about opening libraries and such stuff flex13 [9k\]: il y a du fight dans l'air pasky [1k\]: toxygen: which computations? Singer [10k\]: Myung saves time by losing groups toxygen [?\]: pasky: they are done by the program which is struggling against pro jhouse [3k\]: myung probably thinks on black's time :) pasky [1k\]: toxygen: the program things it has 98% chance of win pasky [1k\]: toxygen: do you think w is ahead on the board? toxygen [?\]: well, good luck to him then joelw [12k\]: b6 for b looks large ] ;B[jr]BL[1649.903] ;W[ef]WL[3228.069]C[toxygen [?\]: pasky: i never said w is ahead lovebach [4d\]: Black is ahead pasky [1k\]: my mogo suggested j5 instead :( pasky [1k\]: toxygen: well you said "struggling" BigPhenix [3d\]: does anyone know ? how many variations can this mogo calculate per minute ? Sakae [-\]: well telchar [-\]: e14 lol Celila [-\]: your mogo is an older version Sakae [-\]: he isn't too interested in this game royalty [3d\]: 1700 000 BigPhenix [3d\]: wow Mocramis [9k?\]: Players are generally weaker on computers no ? toxygen [?\]: pasky: this means that it has to think very hard =\] bearclaw: pasky: this statistic is based on the asumption that w plays randomly? ibd [16k\]: 1700 000 per second. patrickb [-\]: BigPhenix - it was doign 1,700,00/sec before Swordfish7 [5d\]: how did white get so tricked in bottom corner ibd [16k\]: not per minute toxygen [?\]: mocramis: yes Sakae [-\]: also he doesn't think his reading would help him in this situation teytaud [-\]: pasky: our mogo has probability of winning against yours probably more than 98% (better software, better hardware) ] ;B[fg]BL[1608.91]C[pasky [1k\]: bearclaw: no, it is based on the assumption w follows the same algorithm ] ;W[ea]WL[3225.025]C[teytaud [-\]: thanks anyway for the numbers trumpet [3k\]: w played r1 instead od s1 pasky [1k\]: teytaud: absolutely AdrianG430 [12k\]: monkey jump! jhouse [3k\]: my bot does 10,000 per second. 1.7M is nice lovebach [4d\]: this game is now yose giygas [4k\]: let's see how mogo will handle this pasky [1k\]: teytauld: but they have similar ideas :) SadShape [1k\]: how black will answer SadShape [1k\]: ? telchar [-\]: e14 has something to do with the monkey jump? lovebach [4d\]: status is clear tsiki [1d\]: my bot does like 100 =/ Stormer [2k\]: what hardware is this using? Singer [10k\]: If mogo can calculate all those moves every second, how is it only 2k? TanGeng [2d?\]: nah e1 is too far away Candidate [2k?\]: swordfish: missclick/timesuji Singer [10k\]: If I could read that far, I'd be a dan! ] ;B[eb]BL[1568.83] ;W[cl]WL[3221.716]C[Kosai [2k\]: Looks like B+50. Sakae [-\]: its ineffective toxygen [?\]: i can run mogo on my cluster and have it do the computations. can mogo run on irix? ahnoeas [3k\]: it lacks intuition egcdem: LapinBlanc [2k?\]: The super-computer version is most probably better than 2k :) flex13 [9k\]: c'st quoi cette merde Stormer [2k\]: im still in shock that W could lose to a bot on 19x19 flex13 [9k\]: il glisse et puis plus rien Kosai [2k\]: toxygen: They only published a Linux binary. Celila [-\]: singer, the mogo playing on kgs regularly is not running on the same cluster as this one all the time ;) theremin [1k\]: vocabulaire flex13 SadShape [1k\]: e19 was just to see how mogo will answer?? jhouse [3k\]: game is much closer than B+50 Kosai [2k\]: no source available. lovebach [4d\]: pros are so good at yose ZedGo [10k\]: flex13 -> vocabulary Amano [12k\]: vive les francais toxygen [?\]: kosai:64bit? teytaud [-\]: toxygen: if you have a cluster and want to run mogo on it, you can email me (olivier.teytaud@inria.fr) Francisco [3d\]: I have long prepared myself to see this flex13 [9k\]: oui Sakae [-\]: this wasn't a seruos game bolb [-\]: flex13 : surveille ton vocabulaire Francisco [3d\]: W will lose mayday [1k\]: the bot cannot be 2k ] ;B[qm]BL[1529.779]C[flex13 [9k\]: ok pasky [1k\]: my mogo wants to play d11 Longshi [-\]: flex : some respect toward the pro would be welcome Sakae [-\]: because white missclicked ] ;W[rm]WL[3218.416]C[Kosai [2k\]: teytaud: Any idea on whether the source will be released? toxygen [?\]: teytaud: ok, going to mayday [1k\]: it's just not possible\\ mayday [1k\]: at the moment flex13 [9k\]: desole Sakae [-\]: white is just bored.. Kosai [2k\]: teytaud: It's very odd for a university to keep source code secret :) Olmerek [12k?\]: I think white is experimenting lovebach [4d\]: L13? jnr [-\]: "If you have a cluster please call me " XD markboon [?\]: S11 and big kill :) ] ;B[mh]BL[1491.674] ;W[nh]WL[3213.389]C[Mocramis [9k?\]: Myung could try to create ko, it's the last chance pasky [1k\]: my mogo still likes j5 a lot blackrain [6k\]: the sides are creating shapes to be exploited through sente push in yose TanGeng [2d?\]: ha Amano [12k\]: ^^ ibd [16k\]: my mogo thinks your mogo is stupid pasky [1k\]: but would play k13 now ZedGo [10k\]: are tesuji only for human being ? ] ;B[rk]BL[1454.603]C[change [-\]: t4! ] ;W[qk]WL[3205.83]C[lovebach [4d\]: is H6 better than J5 ? pasky [1k\]: anyway, the probabily of win stays in 98% Amano [12k\]: change==>ùogo would see it ^^ theremin [1k\]: I wonder if B is not help by human from time to time :) markboon [?\]: N12 was the right idea pasky [1k\]: teytauld: does titan agree? :) ] ;B[qj]BL[1418.528] ;W[rl]WL[3201.894]C[LapinBlanc [2k?\]: You really have to know well mogo to know why he plays O11 czarny [-\]: good question pasky :D markboon [?\]: but S9 was not gandhi [-\]: going for the kill :) Mocramis [9k?\]: but on what computer is your mogo running ? gandhi [-\]: s11, then n13 joelw [12k\]: looks like just trying to get s11 in sente Amano [12k\]: where can we download a mogo ? TanGeng [2d?\]: yeah ] ;B[ri]BL[1383.141] ;W[sk]WL[3198.336]C[pasky [1k\]: mocramis: 2x intel xeon 2.4GHz progers [12k\]: here it goes Singer [10k\]: Is crazystone the same algorithm? TanGeng [2d?\]: http://www.lri.fr/~gelly/MoGo_Download.htm teytaud [-\]: CrazyStone and MoGo are very similar. TanGeng [2d?\]: linux is the prefered os SadShape [1k\]: idea is to kill p13? Amano [12k\]: thxs teytaud [-\]: (MoGo has a cluster version and CrazyStone not yet) progers [12k\]: looks that way Mocramis [9k?\]: it's tha same algorithm that the original mogo ? TanGeng [2d?\]: ahh craystone too Swordfish7 [5d\]: n13 ?! ] ;B[mg]BL[1348.783]C[hikaru78 [15k\]: gtg =((((((((( ] ;W[qh]WL[3195.7]C[royalty [3d\]: hehee SadShape [1k\]: wow puf [?\]: very nice... royalty [3d\]: go for the kill, mogo Swordfish7 [5d\]: but white is alive Francisco [3d\]: MoGo is very good at killing Francisco [3d\]: but it uses too much time Kosai [2k\]: how is W alive? joelw [12k\]: s12 trumpet [3k\]: t11 sente for ko for black pasky [1k\]: my mogo wanna play l13 Rakeliem [1d\]: l13 pasky [1k\]: leisurely joelw [12k\]: actually ibd [16k\]: mogo will hopefully start playing faster ] ;B[qi]BL[1315.274]C[Swordfish7 [5d\]: t11 nothing joelw [12k\]: s12 not good :( Mocramis [9k?\]: bots are good in tsumego Swordfish7 [5d\]: t4 is white sente ] ;W[kj]WL[3188.679]C[Mocramis [9k?\]: tsumegos Francisco [3d\]: so maybe it is a disatvantagde theremin [1k\]: surprising that mogo play this tesuji and connect N13 in order to kill ... Francisco [3d\]: vantage* GlebD [2d\]: mogo gona win !!!! ^^ cormorant [13k?\]: its funny that a computer that has time as a benefit... takes so much more time than human Singer [10k\]: w+0.5 :P trumpet [3k\]: oh right swordfish theremin [1k\]: yes also toxygen [?\]: teytaud: mail sent ] ;B[kk]BL[1282.572] ;W[rh]WL[3186.219]C[Batavia [5k\]: so is the mogo program aware of the time preasure it has? ibd [16k\]: l11? jhouse [3k\]: I wonder what a rematch with myungwan would look like. Would he still use only a few minutes for a complete game? ekku [-\]: does mogo calculate on white's turn also?:) joelw [12k\]: l11 pasky [1k\]: ekku: yes, usually HowToLose [5k\]: this game is so confusing lemurov [-\]: l11 pasky [1k\]: I assume they do have pondering enabled :) ] ;B[kh]BL[1250.678] ;W[lg]WL[3182.778]C[coolpapa [11k\]: /ponder on SadShape [1k\]: white is alive? giygas [4k\]: batavia, mogo is aware of time, yes Stormer [2k\]: i doubt it helps much this game with w moving so fast teytaud [-\]: pasky: yes, for sure :-) jhouse [3k\]: T11 is life for white a t a minimum trumpet [3k\]: well, now w will crush that moyo and then live Sakae [-\]: SadShape yes ] ;B[li]BL[1219.712]C[Sakae [-\]: it's like 3 moves reading,, ] ;W[ki]WL[3179.969]C[chrono3450 [1d\]: i doubt mogo will be tricked by W's fast play xD ibd [16k\]: what joelw [12k\]: w not crushing any moyos CoolHand [1d\]: computer should be able to play much faster as endgame approaches. gandhi [-\]: there is probably a level after which more time does not make mogo that much better anymore ibd [16k\]: pasky, still 98%? teytaud [-\]: gandhi: not sure gandhi [-\]: not sure, where it is for this setup SadShape [1k\]: t11 is sente for black theremin [1k\]: this kink of move is very surprising ... pasky [1k\]: ibd: no pasky [1k\]: ibd: 99% now SadShape [1k\]: then i don't see how... ] ;B[ji]BL[1189.343]C[Stormer [2k\]: t11 t4 GlebD [2d\]: mogoooooo you rules !!! ^^ ] ;W[li]WL[3168.99]C[toxygen [?\]: gandhi: with more complicated position the more and more "tricks" appear memememe4 [?\]: is Mogo going for a kill? Rakeliem [1d\]: well t4 is sente for white Swordfish7 [5d\]: wasnt there a half mil dollar prize to whoever can make a program that can beat pro or something? chrono3450 [1d\]: no pasky [1k\]: ibd: ok, back to 98.7% :) gandhi [-\]: teytaud, obviously it plays perfectly with infinite time and with very fast times it gets a lot better ith little time addings chrono3450 [1d\]: i think mogo is trying to surround in a crafty way Sakae [-\]: can't kill a fully living group pasky [1k\]: my mogo wants m14 ] ;B[lf]BL[1159.739]C[royalty [3d\]: t11 not sente against bottom ibd [16k\]: thanks, pasky ] ;W[kg]WL[3166.371]C[Mocramis [9k?\]: yes Stormer [2k\]: if b was really strong he would ignore t4 and kill w :D pasky [1k\]: good that we agree royalty [3d\]: mogo beats us SadShape [1k\]: oh ok thanks rakeliem Mocramis [9k?\]: but without handi ^^ ancientOne [2d?\]: Swordfish, i think that may be meant in an even game Francisco [3d\]: without handicap elgemelas [9k?\]: what a game ] ;B[jh]BL[1130.935]C[markboon [?\]: now t11? ] ;W[cb]WL[3160.715]C[tsiki [1d\]: Swordfish, it was $1.6mil but it was taken down in 2000 Swordfish7 [5d\]: oh well 500k dollars isnt worth much nowadays anyway tsiki [1d\]: i mean the prize royalty [3d\]: t11 tenukit10 t4 theremin [1k\]: W can't win now HowToLose [5k\]: pasky: what are those percentages? jhouse [3k\]: any strong players able to read how white would survive after B T11? pasky [1k\]: howtolose: percentage of won playouts ibd [16k\]: winning rate that mogo thinks it has ] ;B[si]BL[1102.979]C[HowToLose [5k\]: oh Celila [-\]: there we go master117 [6k\]: we will see ;) patrickb [-\]: ow ow ow HowToLose [5k\]: thx master117 [6k\]: i think it kills Pinguschaf [-\]: haha black doesnt get tricked Singer [10k\]: T10, it seems to me... Amano [12k\]: t10 , alive... Sakae [-\]: ouch Swordfish7 [5d\]: white is seki if not comletly alive joelw [12k\]: w in trouble now TanGeng [2d?\]: nah Sakae [-\]: s8 is deing.. Swordfish7 [5d\]: no need for t10 SadShape [1k\]: t10 not needed TanGeng [2d?\]: play the ko Swordfish7 [5d\]: t4 is sente telchar [-\]: b t10 dosn't kill trumpet [3k\]: b may well sacrifice s1 Amano [12k\]: yeah too royalty [3d\]: protip, white alive Singer [10k\]: Failing that, T7 does the trick? uuffy: nonetheless Batavia [5k\]: pasky: how do you get those percentages. you have info on MogoTiTan? Amano [12k\]: put yu loose one point with atari in >T10 Rakeliem [1d\]: t4 jhouse [3k\]: I was looking at the upper group ] ;W[rf]WL[3109.337]C[Stormer [2k\]: t12 Amano [12k\]: ^^ pasky [1k\]: batavia: no, I run my own mogo on a much weaker machine in parallel ibd [16k\]: running his own copy and hooking up the game, I guess shabam: t10 then 14 progers [12k\]: that's a professional ET shabam: *t Celila [-\]: it's not the percentages of mogotitan joelw [12k\]: t10 ] ;B[sj]BL[1075.539]C[pasky [1k\]: my mogo would play f18 Mocramis [9k?\]: but what was that C18 move ? pasky [1k\]: but titan does not chicken out shabam: isnt bottom dead lemurov [-\]: t4 GoTal [10k\]: T4 ] ;W[sp]WL[3097.456]C[HowToLose [5k\]: t4 zeb [8k\]: now we see if mogo understands ko Amano [12k\]: he's dead... SadShape [1k\]: no ko Singer [10k\]: What does F18 do for anyone? pasky [1k\]: it does very well Francisco [3d\]: he really does mayday [1k\]: no ko Francisco [3d\]: it* Principe [2d\]: is w doing it on prupose? Damir [3k\]: ко lemurov [-\]: he's alive Amano [12k\]: he had a dead group.... mayday [1k\]: T4 threaten bottom stones lemurov [-\]: no ko Sakae [-\]: isn't it ko? ] ;B[os]BL[1049.017]C[Senkaku [7k\]: alive ] ;W[rk]WL[3094.122]C[GoTal [10k\]: of course he live Beanbag [3d\]: ko if w wants in sente zeb [8k\]: oh wow master117 [6k\]: s2 i s evil ^^ master117 [6k\]: was evil ^^ lukaszchol [13k?\]: ? Principe [2d\]: wow storng robot Swordfish7 [5d\]: maybe black losses on time Sakae [-\]: ah yes theremin [1k\]: alive gote theremin [1k\]: game over :) Francisco [3d\]: maybe Francisco [3d\]: it´s the only choice ibd [16k\]: k13 next? ] ;B[fb]BL[1023.113]C[royalty [3d\]: f19.. PStillman [2k\]: there is no ko here Francisco [3d\]: but it wont ] ;W[io]WL[3090.196]C[Singer [10k\]: w spends 14 stones on 4 points... Wizzos [4k\]: no ko Wizzos [4k\]: no ko id say Noobita [16k\]: sword+fish=swordfish Francisco [3d\]: to close to ooyose bagman [4d\]: c11!! Amano [12k\]: do computers accelerate their game and play bad when they ar in lack of time ? Mocramis [9k?\]: why 18 ? Francisco [3d\]: easy for mogobot pasky [1k\]: amano: yes Sakae [-\]: it's over Mocramis [9k?\]: why F18 ? ] ;B[jn]BL[997.776]C[Rakeliem [1d\]: t4 pasky [1k\]: mocramis: safer ;) ibd [16k\]: f18 probably safer Francisco [3d\]: he is winning for sure theremin [1k\]: now W will win on time SadShape [1k\]: mogo is always ahead? Mocramis [9k?\]: no theremin [1k\]: of course Francisco [3d\]: if it* plays like that jhouse [3k\]: SE says B+45.5 theremin [1k\]: far ahead giygas [4k\]: mogo will not lose on time Mocramis [9k?\]: mogo will accelerate Senkaku [7k\]: i think blk D12 before C11 is better NattyIce [1k\]: K7! ] ;W[kf]WL[3054.42]C[Swordfish7 [5d\]: black win cuz white got so tricked at lower right Singer [10k\]: Perhaps white would have fared better had he used more than 10 minutes of his time Celila [-\]: mogo plays faster in the end theremin [1k\]: oh ok markboon [?\]: Big difference in level with the fast game Amano [12k\]: pasky=>thanks ^^ Mocramis [9k?\]: if wh'ite moves are simple of course ^ Francisco [3d\]: I would strongly bet on MoGOTiTan any # of games Sakae [-\]: it might very well have been a missclick Francisco [3d\]: with 9h ] ;B[ke]BL[973.105]C[trumpet [3k\]: w trickd himself there Stormer [2k\]: faster game favors the person giving handicap ] ;W[if]WL[3048.927] ;B[jf]BL[948.991]C[Amano [12k\]: tries to save E14 ^^ ? makoregevr [2d\]: what is w lvl? pasky [1k\]: 99.1% for b Mocramis [9k?\]: does MyungWan used to play against bots ? ] ;W[jg]WL[3039.309]C[Suicide [8k\]: not necesarily true here, stormer Celila [-\]: 8p jhouse [3k\]: maybe this was fun for myungwan and he'll go out and buy a super computer to finally have a good computer opponent :) Singer [10k\]: What percentage does mogo resign at? teytaud [-\]: Pasky: thanks a lot, I feel better each time :-) makoregevr [2d\]: b won ] ;B[ig]BL[925.528] ;W[je]WL[3037.401]C[markboon [?\]: Very good, B closes his territory teytaud [-\]: Singer: probably 10% or 20% (I don't remember) royalty [3d\]: too bad NattyIce [1k\]: ko! Beanbag [3d\]: its a ko pasky [1k\]: teytaud: lol - you don't have access to the numbers? Davzin: kokoroes teytaud [-\]: no :-) uuffy: no way w can win this ko though pasky [1k\]: oh :) teytaud [-\]: pasky: no :-) ] ;B[ie]BL[902.788]C[prixdefer [1k\]: br ko to osmal Davzin: HIROGARU YAMI NO NAKA pasky [1k\]: that's a pity :) Swordfish7 [5d\]: no ko white just connect ] ;W[hg]WL[3034.468]C[Marek [5d\]: no ko Davzin: KAWASHIATTE Amano [12k\]: dubble HowToLose [5k\]: m15??? Davzin: KAKUMEI NO CHIGIRI ibd [16k\]: ZE WARUDO Nyanjilla [-\]: Davzin---calm down teytaud [-\]: I should have thought about that, I've forgotten - I don't want to stop the bot to add these outputs :-) ] ;B[ih]BL[880.471]C[Davzin: mkayz Miles0000: WHY NOT? pasky [1k\]: teytaud: hehe, understandably :) Celila [-\]: ^^ Amano [12k\]: XD Francisco [3d\]: The more he fights the more chance he has on time Beanbag [3d\]: no ko makoregevr [2d\]: why not really? Beanbag [3d\]: lol Marek [5d\]: to much atari Singer [10k\]: mogo can't read the ko? joelw [12k\]: decision time Amano [12k\]: francisco=+>really ?:) zeb [8k\]: m15! go for it! Swordfish7 [5d\]: white is ok connecting Swordfish7 [5d\]: he has no threats Suicide [8k\]: how to lose...m15 k14 o11 n15, k? ] ;W[db]WL[2991.417]C[teytaud [-\]: it is often said that mogo is weak on "ko" situations Francisco [3d\]: i mean, he has to fight master117 [6k\]: k14? bigbeam [4d?\]: huh Francisco [3d\]: absurdly Mocramis [9k?\]: could it work ? trumpet [3k\]: s2 is a threat ] ;B[jf]BL[858.756]C[ekku [-\]: how much memory does mogo use? Amano [12k\]: m15 is really godd Davzin: This match is yummeh Rakeliem [1d\]: threats g18 pasky [1k\]: hmm uuffy: wth Marek [5d\]: g18 nice now ] ;W[ni]WL[2979.802]C[Sakae [-\]: resign time Swordfish7 [5d\]: ?! theremin [1k\]: I guess W is tired to play vs a computer ... maybe he wants to go to have a break and sleep a little before his ext game Lothus [1d\]: h 14... no ko Suicide [8k\]: m15 is pointless pasky [1k\]: casillux has a good point, i'm not sure if the komi is right trumpet [3k\]: pls h14 now... markboon [?\]: F19 now Swordfish7 [5d\]: connecting was sente O-o pasky [1k\]: damn :( ] ;B[hf]BL[837.51]C[Miles0000: Come on, MoGo can use the yoshimitsu! ] ;W[gb]WL[2977.111]C[SadShape [1k\]: ^^ Beanbag [3d\]: g18 wokrs? markboon [?\]: W tricked B royalty [3d\]: it's a trap! Miles0000: no. SunnyD [3d\]: lol Miles0000: its a tarp. Suicide [8k\]: g19 Amano [12k\]: ???? t0Strong4u [-\]: haha Rakeliem [1d\]: what does yoshimitsu mean besides the sc guy Davzin: Ask Sai for halp! joelw [12k\]: h18? Miles0000: i see what you did there Swordfish7 [5d\]: black made 15 pts in the center off that ] ;B[fc]BL[816.846]C[Miles0000: yes ] ;W[fa]WL[2974.387]C[Amano [12k\]: coud someone explains me here ? Swordfish7 [5d\]: i think he gains anyway Miles0000: the soul caliber guy prixdefer [1k\]: 8p bends the bullet Miles0000: wait no Davzin: Make that Akira child cry! Miles0000: tekken master117 [6k\]: h18 Rakeliem [1d\]: no, sc flex13 [9k\]: noir a certainement perdu maintenant Miles0000: no, its tekku ] ;B[gc]BL[796.772]C[Rakeliem [1d\]: , he was in 1 thru 4 probably ] ;W[hb]WL[2972.36]C[lovebach [4d\]: mais non Singer [10k\]: Can w even things out with this invasion? Miles0000: tekken* chrono3450 [1d\]: :OO Sakae [-\]: time for heavy reduction Lothus [1d\]: lool Rakeliem [1d\]: SC Francisco [3d\]: no Miles0000: no, look it up Amano [12k\]: n'importe quoi ibd [16k\]: j6? RoryDix [3k?\]: go, myung wan theremin [1k\]: B wins master117 [6k\]: s + 28 Oo uuffy: can w gain another 30 in yose TanGeng [2d?\]: ... maybe he'll get it down to 10 Davzin: Yeah, 845-901-5005 ] ;B[fl]BL[777.156]C[Miles0000: yoshimitsu is from tekken flex13 [9k\]: il faut alors qu'il envahisse en bas a droite theremin [1k\]: easy win lovebach [4d\]: Blackstill wins tsiki [1d\]: what are the percentages now? okiol [6k\]: how strong is this computer? Sakae [-\]: whites hopes just went up ] ;W[hm]WL[2969.928]C[kuikentje [5k\]: black is still ahead okiol [6k\]: seems pretty strong okiol [6k\]: xD royalty [3d\]: what's the confidence of mogo now Amano [12k\]: how many percentage, now ? aburry [4k\]: when you're 8p, there are no bullets okiol [6k\]: just arrived telchar [-\]: now mogo humiliatingly allows reduction bagman [4d\]: c11 Noobita [16k\]: makoregvr pasky [1k\]: tsiki: I'm restarting gogui, checking if komi is right Vogel [1k\]: why is b time running? bagman [4d\]: c11 ] ;B[hs]BL[757.931]C[markboon [?\]: B C11 very big ] ;W[gr]WL[2967.127]C[makoregevr [2d\]: yoshimitsu is the one with the lazer sword? Noobita [16k\]: yes Davzin: Um, go 845-901-5005, you can beat him Beanbag [3d\]: mogo likely to lose Miles0000: yes makoregevr [2d\]: i like him -D ] ;B[in]BL[739.237]C[makoregevr [2d\]: =D Singer [10k\]: pasky - what is percentage now? ] ;W[hn]WL[2964.265]C[Miles0000: hes freaking awesome Swordfish7 [5d\]: i think good chance mogo lose on time Amano [12k\]: pasky Amano [12k\]: pasky t0Strong4u [-\]: kik Amano [12k\]: pasky t0Strong4u [-\]: lol Mocramis [9k?\]: i don't think mogo have the sense of humiliating Francisco [3d\]: no t0Strong4u [-\]: ** Francisco [3d\]: no chance Suicide [8k\]: enough amano, pm him Francisco [3d\]: i assure you tsiki [1d\]: he's restarting the ui, just wait okiol [6k\]: what ranking would mogo have at kgs? ] ;B[ng]BL[721.096]C[Sakae [-\]: mogo will have 3 minutes left... or 5 Miles0000: but my favorite is nina Amano [12k\]: xcuse chrono3450 [1d\]: <_< ] ;W[il]WL[2955.872]C[jocelyn [2k\]: but it gained our respect, althought it don"t cares :) Beanbag [3d\]: mogo likely to continue to make yose error markboon [?\]: ??? Miles0000: because, well, you know jhouse [3k\]: mogo has more time left than myungwan has used so far. It's easy to not lose on time in yose TanGeng [2d?\]: ummm what was that move theremin [1k\]: only chance for W is to win on time but some say it is impossible because mogo plays faster in the end ... makoregevr [2d\]: nina looks good Davzin: If I could... Miles0000: i just unchied. ] ;B[sh]BL[703.174]C[Davzin: If I could play like that... ] ;W[sg]WL[2952.973]C[Suicide [8k\]: now if only mogo could win even... Amano [12k\]: XD egcdem: Amano [12k\]: Miles0000: Omg, jt would be pround ] ;B[cj]BL[685.909]C[Davzin: XD THIS IS UBER NOOB ibd [16k\]: hmm this safer? ] ;W[bk]WL[2943.65]C[Mocramis [9k?\]: but while playing faster, mogo could make bigs errors Miles0000: excuse me? more like boon. Neospring [3k\]: give mogo 1hour each move and he'll beat myung o.0 Hinatachan [9k\]: what was the handicap set at? GoGoDolls [7k\]: SE is so weird... gandhi [-\]: b12 jhouse [3k\]: 9 handicap pasky [1k\]: ok, if I *do* have the komi right now (I can't make entirely sure), mogo is still 99% ] ;B[dl]BL[669.143]C[markboon [?\]: I think the left was biggre than J8 Francisco [3d\]: no mistakes in yose progers [12k\]: Hinatachan-9handi ] ;W[bj]WL[2938.749]C[Davzin: MyungWan is more azn, so he'll win Hinatachan [9k\]: ty Amano [12k\]: 99% beer [1d\]: wasn't C11 better instead of C10... Mogo starts makin' mistakes Miles0000: Davzin = epic boon Suicide [8k\]: mocramis, I don't think the speed mogo is playing is affecting anything Amano [12k\]: wpw Amano [12k\]: wow* Sakae [-\]: white might win Francisco [3d\]: it has a very deep and fast yose calculus Celila [-\]: it is suicide chrono3450 [1d\]: B is making noob mistakes makoregevr [2d\]: i like braien too Yaxamie [14k\]: top right sacrifiece looks very good now ] ;B[dh]BL[652.691]C[Miles0000: No! Stinkchild, come on makoregevr [2d\]: he have fast moves Celila [-\]: just compare this game to the 3 blitz games before jhouse [3k\]: nah, white has lost ] ;W[cg]WL[2932.74]C[bagman [4d\]: lol ibd [16k\]: lol that move again t0Strong4u [-\]: c11 Merlinor [9k?\]: white wins for shure ^^ Davzin: The more asian, the more likely to win ] ;B[jb]BL[636.749] ;W[ci]WL[2929.079]C[Amano [12k\]: XD BattousaiX [-\]: *ahem* Mocramis [9k?\]: of course, the more time mogo have, the better he is... if he have enouth memory Miles0000: wait. did mogotitan make the word 'tit' like visible, for a reason shabam: is there a way to download and play mogo? Stormer [2k\]: wow, what is this about mogo yose? totally missed double sente there ] ;B[di]BL[621.07]C[Amano [12k\]: what do trolling means ? ] ;W[jl]WL[2927.49]C[Singer [10k\]: Pasky - what is mogo percentage to win now? Suicide [8k\]: shabam, google it progers [12k\]: SE calling white top right dead master117 [6k\]: jeah but i dont think you have 3000 processor or? Almdudler [3d\]: some day, I´ll be asian too Miles0000: It means briging up random topics ibd [16k\]: I bet it dropped a bit ] ;B[km]BL[605.821] ;W[ic]WL[2925.473]C[HowToLose [5k\]: se strong indeed sigmundur [4k\]: mogo has at least used the time more efficiently... markboon [?\]: I count 60 for W IanO: mogo plays for safety, not points TanGeng [2d?\]: are these Xeon processors? juhop [1d\]: mogo does not care sbout points if it thinks it wins anyway ] ;B[ib]BL[590.967] ;W[hc]WL[2918.038]C[Miles0000: Stinko, get OUT OF THERE! toxygen [?\]: tangen: i guess most likely yes BattousaiX [-\]: SE+MoGoTiTan= strongest rengo team ever uurtamo [8k?\]: they could be 8088's and it would still be good. uuffy: it doesn't care about how much it wins by toxygen [?\]: =\] ww [1k\]: 9 handi is too much... seems like b wins Sakae [-\]: hehe ] ;B[hd]BL[576.605]C[markboon [?\]: 70+ for B ] ;W[jc]WL[2915.187]C[toxygen [?\]: tangeng: it's said these details will be disclosed afterwards alexanro [7k\]: score estimator was right ;) WiseGuy [1d?\]: +30 Sakae [-\]: SE finds the weaks triple eyed groups and mogo kills it Yaxamie [14k\]: huge reduction! Mocramis [9k?\]: what is SE ? theremin [1k\]: no more like +30 markboon [?\]: I think B will win Stormer [2k\]: 9 handi and blunder in lowe right too much, i woudl bet on W in a rematch t0Strong4u [-\]: l17 is sente SunnyD [3d\]: mogo cares about winning margin ] ;B[kb]BL[562.483] ;W[gs]WL[2912.932]C[Singer [10k\]: Lee chanho and lee sedol would make an interesting rengo team Suicide [8k\]: but Batt, SE would throw away live groups xD theremin [1k\]: 25 maybe Francisco [3d\]: i bet you Storneo BattousaiX [-\]: xD Francisco [3d\]: Stormer ] ;B[pl]BL[548.666]C[giygas [4k\]: i'd love to see black win by 0.5 Stormer [2k\]: ok :D Amano [12k\]: i would say about 120 pts for black Jenghis [2k\]: By my count black is going to win by 15 or so points bagman [4d\]: b+ 10-13 Lothus [1d\]: lol Francisco [3d\]: for real Noobita [16k\]: opopopopopo ww [1k\]: b might play moves in his territory when w passes so we dont know who wins Dragonette [6k\]: I love MoGo's 1p gote moves ] ;W[ij]WL[2895.088]C[pasky [1k\]: ww: chinese counting Stormer [2k\]: if they play again, and w loses, ill buy you a kgs plus subscription :D ibd [16k\]: chinese rules anyway Miles0000: if you blur your eyes, the white stones in the bttom right look like a, well, you know, wang. ] ;B[ik]BL[535.291] ;W[hk]WL[2893.034]C[ibd [16k\]: o___O IanO: too bad the Ing prize expired. Looks like MoGo would have a chance at 9 stones Francisco [3d\]: and what if w wins ] ;B[jk]BL[522.281] ;W[hj]WL[2891.453]C[Amano [12k\]: he becomes a god ^^ Suicide [8k\]: wow miles...wow ] ;B[rd]BL[509.606]C[PaperTiger [4k\]: ing prize wasn't for 9 stones Stormer [2k\]: yes, i become king of kgs pasky [1k\]: 99.87% Stormer [2k\]: hmm ] ;W[se]WL[2886.89]C[Amano [12k\]: it's not 100..... Stormer [2k\]: you must use a kgs picture of strawberry shortcake, for one month ] ;B[gk]BL[497.147]C[ibd [16k\]: lol IanO: the Ing prize was graded; the last unclaimed prize was for 9 stones pasky [1k\]: it almost never is 100 :) Sakae [-\]: hmm Amano [12k\]: lol Singer [10k\]: 9 stones away from pro level must be KGS dan :P ] ;W[dm]WL[2875.966]C[ww [1k\]: so even if b played moves like o13, it still played better than 1k if he wins a 8p with 9h ? lovebach [4d\]: Black is ahead 25 points Sakae [-\]: white can't reduce anymore.. Sakae [-\]: white has lost beer [1d\]: Next time, 9 handi for B + 29.5 komi for W would make really interesintg game ] ;B[gl]BL[485.131] ;W[hl]WL[2873.896]C[Zephon [2k\]: white can't reduce black anymore.. but black can reduce himself progers [12k\]: remember, W misclicked ] ;B[hi]BL[473.332]C[ibd [16k\]: chinese rules Mocramis [9k?\]: it's 100 when mogo could evaluate all possibilities Sakae [-\]: no he can't Sakae [-\]: chinese rules ] ;W[el]WL[2865.653]C[SadShape [1k\]: no if no white mistake in bottom right the game will be close Yaxamie [14k\]: when did W misclick? Singer [10k\]: Pro is unused to problems of internet play! telchar [-\]: b played o13 because it was sure it could still win with o13, that's all Amano [12k\]: chinese rules, what are they specific in ? ] ;B[me]BL[461.728]C[Sakae [-\]: doesn't matter if he plays in his own terretoru after dame alexanro [7k\]: remember, misclicking or placing a stone in the wrong position is part of the game, rather ] ;W[of]WL[2861.992]C[jocelyn [2k\]: don"t forget white made some moves to test mogo's answers Amano [12k\]: u can't take back your stone ? Sakae [-\]: area counting not terretory progers [12k\]: Yaxamie: W played R1 insead of R2 Yaxamie [14k\]: OH! ] ;B[od]BL[450.436] ;W[kl]WL[2857.756]C[Lever [12k\]: r1 instead of s1 progers [12k\]: yeah Yaxamie [14k\]: i thougth it was computer tesuji giygas [4k\]: how typical of humans, to come up with various excuses progers [12k\]: S1 sorry ] ;B[ll]BL[439.589]C[master117 [6k\]: d9? ] ;W[dk]WL[2855.816]C[mayday [1k\]: if you plays bots like they are bots, they are easy to beat Mocramis [9k?\]: he can't on a 9x9 so ... ] ;B[ek]BL[428.965] ;W[fm]WL[2853.542]C[Rakeliem [1d\]: ko Celila [-\]: how often have you beat mogo yet, mayday? Stormer [2k\]: the main differnece is chinese uses area scoring, you could the total area controlled by your stones and ignore captures... territory scoring is couting hte points inside and captures basically TanGeng [2d?\]: at this point, a win is a win is a win so almost any move works ] ;B[sd]BL[418.626]C[giygas [4k\]: mayday, i think mogotitan would have a good chance of beating you in an even game though :) kuikentje [5k\]: white's two weak groups are quite dissatisfactory ... PaperTiger [4k\]: This is the last game? proutoz0re: j1 ] ;W[kc]WL[2846.493]C[mayday [1k\]: I never tried mogo, but I m pretty sure I could gertzu [-\]: we want 9x9 match after this!! :P Celila [-\]: yes papertiger PaperTiger [4k\]: Pity ] ;B[kd]BL[408.528]C[Amano [12k\]: you do not count captured ? strange... ] ;W[is]WL[2842.058]C[Celila [-\]: well try it ... :) Rakeliem [1d\]: Yea wgat happened to the 9x9 ibd [16k\]: 9x9 without handi? Beanbag [3d\]: s1 actualy didnt work for w i think. cause b had q1 with that shape. b go s7 later to gain lib in semeai sigmundur [4k\]: unless Myungwan wants a rematch (: ] ;B[js]BL[398.588] ;W[gm]WL[2837.275]C[sigmundur [4k\]: there might be room for one Celila [-\]: it's only 19x19 today mayday [1k\]: I should :) sigmundur [4k\]: I think Myungwan simply underestimated mogo there ] ;B[qs]BL[388.889]C[Rakeliem [1d\]: myung won't need a rematch ] ;W[ck]WL[2833.877]C[sigmundur [4k\]: lower right for example, ouch Elfwood [2k\]: white still hasnt used 15 mins total though telchar [-\]: great achievement today lovebach [4d\]: Humans are stronger at 37X37 ] ;B[ia]BL[379.449] ;W[ga]WL[2831.566]C[Sakae [-\]: lol Amano [12k\]: XD markboon [?\]: yeah, w played too fast Suicide [8k\]: amano, you count all the live stones and spaces on the board, so it's about the same, barring seki Owy2001 [6k\]: Amano: You don't count the captures, but every stone you have on the board is worth a point ] ;B[ec]BL[370.236]C[Singer [10k\]: White needs to make game prolonging invasions :P master117 [6k\]: mayb emogo plays als olng in his own territory until he loses ^^ ] ;W[hs]WL[2828.996]C[Yaxamie [14k\]: lovebach: very true mayday [1k\]: I used to play bots as part of a computer study .. Rakeliem [1d\]: what the weiqidevil [-\]: can mogo learn from games, that he played? Sakae [-\]: yeah, but humans can fall asleep. which bots doesn't Owy2001 [6k\]: So it's one point less, instead of one point more. Rakeliem [1d\]: e17?? ] ;B[ms]BL[361.405]C[ekku [-\]: what about damezumari in chinese counting? ] ;W[da]WL[2826.175]C[ww [1k\]: yes, these are the moves i was talking about :) teytaud [-\]: weiqidevil: not efficiently ZedGo [10k\]: loosing p2 made a big difference in the end ... ] ;B[ha]BL[352.776]C[TanGeng [2d?\]: dame counts ] ;W[ph]WL[2823.048]C[patrickb [-\]: K7/J7 worth points TanGeng [2d?\]: I don't no about damezumari kuikentje [5k\]: damezumari doesn't matter, because who gets it, gets a free dame point ] ;B[lm]BL[344.366] ;W[jm]WL[2820.846]C[Lothus [1d\]: lol TanGeng [2d?\]: that doesn't apply ] ;B[kn]BL[336.027]C[ww [1k\]: -2 so far :) okiol [6k\]: if he could someone would have invented AI imo grolich [3k?\]: damezumari? black\\s groups has soo many eyes it can be considered a freak of nature:) unlikely kuikentje [5k\]: *I mean, the ruleset doesn't matter for damezumari Sakae [-\]: yeah right ] ;W[im]WL[2818.78]C[ww [1k\]: -3 Rakeliem [1d\]: why was e17 played t0Strong4u [-\]: lol Sakae [-\]: blacks endgame is superior you said.. master117 [6k\]: j11 chrono3450 [1d\]: 8p, and not even a normal 8p - a korean 8p loses a 9 handicap against a bot! ] ;B[gi]BL[327.941] ;W[ii]WL[2816.891]C[Lothus [1d\]: haha Stormer [2k\]: the only tricky stuff is like, couting eyes in seki and strange things like that, i dont know those offhand Amano [12k\]: not ure white losses arpad [1d\]: not -3 but +0.001% chances of winning Yaxamie [14k\]: so whats' the score ] ;B[mp]BL[319.897] ;W[ss]WL[2813.773]C[kuikentje [5k\]: it's endgame would be good if it mattered, probably joelw [12k\]: wtf? t0Strong4u [-\]: b wins either way even though he did -3 points TanGeng [2d?\]: bot doesn't care progers [12k\]: SE says B13.5 ] ;B[hh]BL[312.277]C[Vogel [1k\]: yose is awful aburry [4k\]: w gaining points here. why? darkwings [6k\]: 'יט ר איקט גםןמע איןד? master117 [6k\]: 13 points ^^ bad luck ] ;W[id]WL[2810.827]C[jhouse [3k\]: what's the difference between an 8p and a korean 8p? Senkaku [7k\]: chinese rule Rakeliem [1d\]: the bot is playing pointless moves joelw [12k\]: n4 was the worst move I've ever seen Makadoudou [5d\]: b +0.5 t0Strong4u [-\]: b making sure he won Sakae [-\]: mogo is ahead WiseGuy [1d?\]: Mogo usually goes for a .5 win ] ;B[ee]BL[304.896]C[hellboy [-\]: b+5 ] ;W[rr]WL[2809.037]C[jhouse [3k\]: aburry - black won, so doesn't care giygas [4k\]: people really should learn about the chinese rules Lothus [1d\]: .... Suicide [8k\]: koreans are revered for their skill ] ;B[ff]BL[297.569]C[Lothus [1d\]: disgusting TanGeng [2d?\]: actually yose is bad because nothing it does effects its chance of winning Sakae [-\]: it doesn't care if it wins with 361 or .5 Casillux [?\]: B only cares about victory not points Elfwood [2k\]: which ruleset is most common in korea? ] ;W[]WL[2809.035]C[grolich [3k?\]: the bot is going to try to win by 0.5 or 1.5 as always ] ;B[]BL[297.567]TW[aa][ba][ca][ab][ac][ad][bd][ae][be][af][bf][qf][sf][ag][bg][qg][rg][ah][bh][ai][bi][aj][ak][al][bl][dl][sl][am][bm][cm][em][sm][an][bn][cn][en][gn][sn][ao][bo][co][do][eo][fo][go][ho][so][ap][bp][cp][dp][ep][fp][hp][aq][bq][dq][eq][fq][gq][hq][ar][br][cr][dr][er][fr][as][bs][cs][ds][es][fs]TB[ja][ka][la][ma][oa][ra][sa][lb][nb][pb][qb][sb][mc][oc][pc][rc][sc][ed][fd][ld][fe][ge][he][je][le][ef][gf][if][hg][eh][gh][ei][fj][fk][ml][nl][ol][mm][nm][om][pm][ln][mn][nn][ko][lo][mo][oo][po][kp][lp][np][kq][lq][nq][pq][kr][lr][nr][or][pr][ks][ls]C[joelw [12k\]: it's because mogo is on 5 min sudden death takayanagi [4d\]: mogo always aims at 0.5 win Yaxamie [14k\]: white is an expert of the reduction by filling dame Sakae [-\]: it's like KGS system markboon [?\]: B+10 + 12 handicap Amano [12k\]: aaaaarf kuikentje [5k\]: ouch. theremin [1k\]: 1.5 HowToLose [5k\]: gg! pasky [1k\]: fail pasky [1k\]: it's not 0.5 :( ibd [16k\]: gg! t0Strong4u [-\]: hahahha master117 [6k\]: 1,5? Amano [12k\]: ..... progers [12k\]: gg! Audwulf [16k\]: !!! Yuura [8k\]: oO Yaxamie [14k\]: !!!!!! MaLa [2k\]: ROFL Amano [12k\]: !!! gertzu [-\]: yeah ;\] NemoEimi [?\]: great! :) Casillux [?\]: gg MoGo !! sixsix [-\]: oh no! Sakae [-\]: nice... althought the missclick must have felt hard.. Sagen [15k?\]: XD telchar [-\]: great show Amano [12k\]: great mike2096 [5k\]: gg mayday [1k\]: nice tho :) hehe arpad [1d\]: gg Yaxamie [14k\]: white would have won with no misclick! patrickb [-\]: Thanks to the players Yaxamie [14k\]: WHOW Casillux [?\]: I am proud of you :) trumpet [3k\]: BOTTIE RULES Elfwood [2k\]: woot, the bots win Mocramis [9k?\]: OMG carwash [5k?\]: clap juanra [15k\]: ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh weiqidevil [-\]: pitty. but great game Amano [12k\]: thanks telchar [-\]: congrats to the mogo team !! Tsuijin [1d\]: lets start mass producing super computer mogos! GoGoDolls [7k\]: and SE still says B+14.5..... change [-\]: thx! Yaxamie [14k\]: *applause* giygas [4k\]: MyungWan, thank you for playing with mogo! Stormer [2k\]: score one of the geeks :D makoregevr [2d\]: bot bot =D lukaszchol [13k?\]: I knew it! kuikentje [5k\]: pretty nice Beanbag [3d\]: u guys sure r1 was misclick? pasky [1k\]: yes, mogo team is the best :) kuikentje [5k\]: I'm impresed mmueller [?\]: Congratulations! pasky [1k\]: and thanks myungwan for nice game Stormer [2k\]: for the geeks rillig [2k\]: is there an explanation for R1? dkiller [1k\]: thanks kuikentje [5k\]: *impressed IanO: thank you MyungWan Nyanjilla [-\]: Thank you for an interesting game... zeb [8k\]: wow ZedGo [10k\]: thx MyungWan alexanro [7k\]: remember that it was 9h :) weiqidevil [-\]: Thank you MyungWan!!!!! Senkaku [7k\]: Thanks for teaching myungwan tsiki [1d\]: yes, what's up with R1? Sakae [-\]: GoGoDolls SE is japanese toxygen [?\]: pasky: that was 98%? :) ekku [-\]: i'd like to see an even game ibd [16k\]: Thanks MyungWan markboon [?\]: Yes, very good TanGeng [2d?\]: well the bot was definiitely sandbagging it at the end sigmundur [4k\]: bots are ihQ Stormer [2k\]: congrats Francisco [3d\]: THank you MyungWan for the game shoraishi [17k\]: bien jouer Euphorie [-\]: r1 is surely a misclick S1 was the move makoregevr [2d\]: Mogo Rules =D TanGeng [2d?\]: it's probably better sai38120 [15k\]: thankx a lot pasky [1k\]: toxygen: huh? Stormer [2k\]: thanks for the game myungwan joelw [12k\]: fun game, ty ww [1k\]: cant the mogo be programmed to play the yose more wisely ? thoggi [1d\]: thanks MyungWan Pinchilei [2d\]: Pros can let other players win by small margins to encourage them ;) ekku [-\]: it would give much more info about real strength :) toxygen [?\]: pasky: 1.5 points doesn't look like 98% to me =\] joelw [12k\]: I'm sure it plays the yose well enough to win is its aim TanGeng [2d?\]: you mean can't it actually count the points instead of trying to win? Marek [5d\]: no it is... Sakae [-\]: it was ahead Beanbag [3d\]: i said that s1 dont work because of b go q1 and then go s7 in semeai to win markboon [?\]: no, it's 100% now :) pasky [1k\]: toxygen: I don't actually see your point - should it be more or less? zeb [8k\]: it's a 98% certain 1.5 points Singer [10k\]: Mog likes to win by a small margin ;) ibd [16k\]: toxygen: it played safely because it knew it would win Sakae [-\]: no need to play a better endgame Merlinor [9k?\]: all because of the corner right down oO kuikentje [5k\]: toxygen, it's 100% if there is no way to gain points for white Celila [-\]: toxygen, as long as it was sure of winning, it didn't play moves to get points anymore Marek [5d\]: win is win ofir271 [6k\]: 1.5 is 100per Euphorie [-\]: mogo is programmed to play the move with more winning chances, not the largest margin TanGeng [2d?\]: Mog does random moves at the end if it's really far ahead NPcomplete [5k\]: you have to admit that MyungWan didn't use very much time for this game. It was more like recreation for him! :D TanGeng [2d?\]: yeah, the pro was definitely relaxing chrono3450 [1d\]: a lax 8p is still dangerous EnHoeDan [4k?\]: lets have an even against an 1 dan lukaszchol [13k?\]: Was it historical moment? ww [1k\]: it is supposedly good at LD, so filling own territory after all territory is taken ... ensuring victory is not a good explanation.. seen this happen many times Stormer [2k\]: 8p could fight off an angry bear while continuing to play blitz Yaxamie [14k\]: well Myung got to think durung Titan's long moves Iceborg [6k\]: bot good Beanbag [3d\]: s1 woulnt have worked for w. but maybe it would have helped w make eye shape faster and have a better position Sakae [-\]: the bot was not intersthing thus blitzing manestor [7k\]: i think R1 was to give mogo a chance, and it took it :( fanertygr: теперь железяку точно смазали и почистили manestor [7k\]: like a 10th stone handi tsiki [1d\]: last time MoGo lost because of a small mistake, now it won because of it =/ Steven1234 [5k\]: was top reduction preventable? theremin [1k\]: thx MyungWan to play here ! change [-\]: what about 8p/ 6handi for mogo? Sakae [-\]: yes isntead of taking the ko Beanbag [3d\]: s1 is only working when w can aproach from the other side ww [1k\]: probably 9h would be appropriate in a rematch also beer [1d\]: but, chinese and japanese rules can differ at most by a point, and SE says B+14.5, minus 9 handi stones, gives 5.5, which is too much more than 1.5???? theremin [1k\]: no one thx the 8p to come ? Sakae [-\]: mogo would be cruched pasky [1k\]: theremin: plenty of people did theremin [1k\]: oh ok did not see Sakae [-\]: 9 stones is about correct. SunnyD [3d\]: review? Batavia [5k\]: very nice game Beanbag [3d\]: maybe myungwan give review juhop [1d\]: SE just counts wrong with area scoring as always giygas [4k\]: let me thank MyungWan again for showing us these games Sakae [-\]: but if the pro played seriously... maybe more stones.. ibd [16k\]: where is the misclick people keep talking about? Stormer [2k\]: no, he should not review, we do not want mogo getting any stronger ^^; Sakae [-\]: r1 ahmadr [10k\]: lol Beanbag [3d\]: there no misclic they are rong Batavia [5k\]: or maybe MyungWan could just give his opinion about the game without a full review trumpet [3k\]: s1 q1 r1 t2 s7 works for w imho Mocramis [9k?\]: reviews don' help mogo Batavia [5k\]: did you enjoy this game? NPcomplete [5k\]: his opinion would be interesting yes Mocramis [9k?\]: mogo don't have Xperience ahmadr [10k\]: Move 54 Stormer [2k\]: it might, i suspect mogo became self aware taht game toxygen [?\]: i think iy myungwan played seriously, he would have taken more than few minutes to think Sakae [-\]: its KGS sydrome seku [1k\]: Sakae could be a strategic decision to play fast too... since mogo uses opponent time too NPcomplete [5k\]: pull the plug Stormer ^^ Sakae [-\]: it's impossible to play seriously on KGS Stormer [2k\]: :D ahmadr [10k\]: MyungWan - is there any particular move that you played that you think set your game? RoryDix [3k?\]: beanbag: do you have the sequence after S1? Stormer [2k\]: i'm impressed though, i had no idea monte-carlo stuff could be so strong on a big board EnHoeDan [4k?\]: lets play the comp 10 games even against 1dan mayday [1k\]: if the bot is really 3k on a 19x19, it's pretty impressive ! ahmadr [10k\]: [move 54 = R1 - just click options->view offline and see for yourself\] mayday [1k\]: as I m reading on their site ibd [16k\]: stormer: this is heavily tuned/improved monte carlo jnr [-\]: on a gagné ibd [16k\]: thanks ahmadr NemoEimi [?\]: Its little brother mogobot1 is already a stable 2k here on kgs, no? jnr [-\]: on a gagné jnr [-\]: XD ]) (;W[rc]C[certo [1k\]: the grey people need to stop spamming beer [1d\]: How come B didn't go for saving D4??? ] ;B[nf]C[toxygen [?\]: 에스원은 실수? ] ;W[nh]C[Kosai [2k\]: bwcause he didn't need to? ] ;B[eq]C[Sakae [-\]: I was wuite surprised white didn't play s17 ... serimgasum [10k\]: s1실수 였어요? Sakae [-\]: quite... floss [5k\]: there should be a mode to turn off the grey ])) (;B[rc] ;W[ne] ;B[of] ;W[nf] ;B[nd] ;W[og] ;B[pa] ;W[pf] ;B[qa])) (;W[rs]C[toxygen [?\]: there we go tsiki [1d\]: misclick? ] ;B[rm]C[Merlinor [9k?\]: yes ww [1k\]: hehe ] (;W[qm] ;B[sp] ;W[rl] ;B[qs] ;W[ps] ;B[ns] ;W[rr] ;B[sq]C[Sakae [-\]: ah HowToLose [5k\]: oof giygas [4k\]: whoa Singer [10k\]: oof zeb [8k\]: no? ]) (;W[qs]C[Singer [10k\]: Is that how well a pro reads?! ww [1k\]: nice sequence certo [1k\]: thats how well a pro reads in blitz Stormer [2k\]: no he was demonstrating why he had to ignore s7 ibd [16k\]: I don't understand - so no mistake afterall? Sakae [-\]: a kyu could read that if he had enough time Singer [10k\]: I couldn' Singer [10k\]: t trumpet [3k\]: this works for w i guess kuikentje [5k\]: depends on what kyu, sakae. Sakae [-\]: might have been a counting misstake, I don't know kuikentje [5k\]: don't overestimate the beginner Sakae [-\]: low sdk ofc NPcomplete [5k\]: w sacrificed o2? Zureiyaa [-\]: myung, was this a misclick..? Singer [10k\]: I'm not a beginner, but I still couldn't read it Zureiyaa [-\]: I hope it was ww [1k\]: this sequence sacrifices r8, which is better ? Namii [-\]: it can't be anything else but a mistake Namii [-\]: misclick* Zureiyaa [-\]: a lot better theremin [1k\]: all kyu are beginner ])))