( ; EV[China-Japan Youth match] RO[3rd game] RE[W+0.5] PW[Zhou Heyang]WR[7 dan] PB[Yo Kagen]BR[8 dan] PC[China]DT[1997-08-15] KM[5.5] US[Jan.van.der.Steen@cwi.nl] ;B[pd] ;W[dd] ;B[qp] ;W[dq]C[ CWine 2d : So-far even. :) CWine 2d : Actually, I think B .002 point ahead. ] ;B[oq] ;W[qj]C[ CWine 2d : I prefer B P4 to W D5. jansteen 3d*: Ah, Hi club jansteen 3d*: What is cranebird in Chinese? CWine 2d : Squeeze from below. jansteen 3d*: Yo Kagen (8 dan,B) vs Zhou (W) jansteen 3d*: Kishiko is looking for the given name of Zhou jansteen 3d*: club, do you know Zhou? jansteen 3d*: Promising young player? jansteen 3d*: I don't know, they don't mention it jansteen 3d*: Possible, yes jansteen 3d*: Great colombe, I appreciate that suren 3k*: Zhou is Nie's student, not Ma's. jansteen 3d*: His name is Zhou ... Yang ] ;B[cf]C[ jansteen 3d*: This game is the 3rd game of a best of three ] ;W[fc] ;B[dn]C[ jansteen 3d*: What is? The board? jansteen 3d*: I see jansteen 3d*: Is Zhou Guan Yang a possible name? suren 3k*: Zhou HeYang jansteen 3d*: Ah, Zhou Heyang! colombe 2d*: ah ... colombe 2d*: he was also my best student :) CWine 2d : W is not forced to answer D6. Doo something in upper right. jansteen 3d*: He's 6 or 7 dan, right? jansteen 3d*: Ok, title is corrected ] ;W[co] ;B[do] ;W[cn] ;B[dp] ;W[cp] ;B[eq] ;W[er] ;B[dr] ;W[cq] ;B[fr] ;W[ep] ;B[fq] ;W[dm] ;B[fo]C[ CWine 2d : Transposed into standard joseki. jansteen 3d*: Next? colombe 2d*: pincer and extension colombe 2d*: c15 before jansteen 3d*: Sure about c15? colombe 2d*: c12 CWine 2d : Biggest vacuum left of Q16. jansteen 3d*: Yes, colombe, immediately ] ;W[ch]C[ jansteen 3d*: Good balance on the left side colombe 2d*: when strong, choose the most powerful pincer jansteen 3d*: Black plays tenuki (elsewhere), where? :) colombe 2d*: the most 'mechant' colombe 2d*: r8 jansteen 3d*: mechant = naughty, right? colombe 2d*: yes :) jansteen 3d*: good, my pupils :) ] ;B[ql] ;W[qg]C[ jansteen 3d*: Next? colombe 2d*: not so strong as homePro colombe 2d*: take points jansteen 3d*: Why okeima shimari, club? colombe 2d*: with o17 jansteen 3d*: n17 is big-keima shimari :) CWine 2d : Formula would be R15 hoping for answer on right, but W wouldn't answer on right. jansteen 3d*: o17 is small-keima (kogeima) shimari jansteen 3d*: I see jansteen 3d*: Yes, I think n17 is possible ] ;B[nc] ;W[cd]C[ jansteen 3d*: Next black? (last big point) kawasaki NR : k17? colombe 2d*: r15 suren 3k*: r15? colombe 2d*: or p8 jansteen 3d*: kawasaki got it ] ;B[jd]C[ kawasaki NR : hm... high, not low... to make it easier to run c14? colombe 2d*: high to make balance CWine 2d : C14 stunted, if W wants. colombe 2d*: white won't play low because f17 jansteen 3d*: k17/o17 formation is very low, therefor k16, balance colombe 2d*: hei, jan sensei ! jansteen 3d*: Later black can try to close top with sente starting with g17 for example jansteen 3d*: What colombe? :) CWine 2d : Now vacuum on bottom, though I'm looking at D10. jansteen 3d*: China-Japan Youth match, 3rd game: Yo Kagen (8 dan,B) vs Zhou Heyang (7 dan,W) kawasaki NR : hm... f7? kawasaki NR : play on border of spheres of influence? jansteen 3d*: Ok, the game begins now, white to invade the bottom, ideas where to start? kawasaki NR : hm, if invading... k4 seems about right jansteen 3d*: kawasaki, it's white to play hmy 1k : o4 kawasaki NR : yes, I was thinking white f7... but for invasion k4 colombe 2d*: f6 ? kawasaki NR : l3 seems too deep jansteen 3d*: o4 is traditional weakness, agree, a good point to aim at jansteen 3d*: colombe, white invades deeper colombe 2d*: k1 ? colombe 2d*: :) CWine 2d : Closer to R than left. colombe 2d*: o3 jansteen 3d*: When looking for invasion points, you look for points with two follow-up moves net 1k*: f8? jansteen 3d*: k1 too deep colombe :) kawasaki NR : like k4 -- can play n3 or g4 as follow ups hmy 1k : p2 Ipanema 1d*: r3? colombe 2d*: hum, o3 then CWine 2d : M3, with choices of J3 or M6 as next move. ] ;W[lp]C[ colombe 2d*: this, deep ? kawasaki NR : the 3rd line too dep colombe 2d*: for pro it's deep, for me, it's like flying, like colombe :) jansteen 3d*: Black doesn't see a good way to attack this stone jansteen 3d*: So black plays tenuki, where? colombe 2d*: r15 ! ] ;B[qe]C[ colombe 2d*: bet a dan ! jansteen 3d*: yes! colombe 2d*: he he ] ;W[oj] ;B[ol]C[ jansteen 3d*: In a sense r15 induces p8 (points, and weakens m4 colombe 2d*: my english is bad, what mean strong ? ] ;W[dg] ;B[fm] ;W[em]C[ colombe 2d*: ho ho, i was kidding with club :) ] ;B[km]C[ jansteen 3d*: Black is looking seriously at m4 now, time to make sabaki colombe 2d*: :) CWine 2d : Just joking, columbe, english ambiguous, but one definition of strong is "smell bad". colombe 2d*: huh ? jansteen 3d*: Next move is another of those: "who guesses it gets a beer" moves colombe 2d*: n7 jansteen 3d*: yes jansteen 3d*: p2 interesting jones hmy 1k : n7 jansteen 3d*: o3 traditional move here I think colombe 2d*: o3 colombe 2d*: q3 colombe 2d*: bet CWine 2d : With the hint, I was looking at M7, a really off-the-wall move. jansteen 3d*: q3 comparable to p2 colombe 2d*: r5 ] ;W[nr]C[ colombe 2d*: k4 jansteen 3d*: Ever seen this before, anyone? :) kawasaki NR : nope CWine 2d : Just another probe, see what response is. ] ;B[kq] ;W[nq] ;B[op] ;W[or] ;B[pr] ;W[kp] ;B[jq] ;W[np] ;B[oo] ;W[jp] ;B[iq] ;W[lq]C[ CWine 2d : Again, transposes into reasonable exchanges. jansteen 3d*: Black playes a very leasury attack here colombe 2d*: black wants sente to play q11 CWine 2d : Attack is on R10 group, this is maneuvering for strenght. jansteen 3d*: Black gained strength in lower-right and decides to attack right side group ] ;B[ri] ;W[qi] ;B[rh] ;W[og] ;B[fl] ;W[ek]C[ jansteen 3d*: And now black takes final big point (where is it)? colombe 2d*: h17 ] ;B[hc]C[ kawasaki NR : g17 to wall off top? jansteen 3d*: Good :) jansteen 3d*: Yes, g17 is also interesting kawasaki ] ;W[mf] ;B[md] ;W[fk] ;B[rg] ;W[mn] ;B[mh] ;W[mj] ;B[kh] ;W[qf] ;B[rf] ;W[kj] ;B[ih] ;W[oe]C[ CWine 2d : Score estimates? iota 20k : I presume once it's big enough and the player can afford gote, e5/e6 ] ;B[fg] ;W[od] ;B[oc] ;W[pe] ;B[qd]C[ CWine 2d : How deep does B have to go into left? ] ;W[hb] ;B[gc] ;W[gb] ;B[fd] ;W[ed] ;B[fb] ;W[ec] ;B[ib] ;W[fe] ;B[ha]C[ jansteen 3d*: The players started endgame CWine 2d : B F13 indicated B happy with score. ] ;W[gh] ;B[fh] ;W[hh] ;B[gf] ;W[ig] ;B[ii] ;W[jg] ;B[gi] ;W[hi] ;B[hj] ;W[hg] ;B[ki] ;W[gj] ;B[he] ;W[fi]C[ CWine 2d : If B unhappy, would have risked more, gone deeper. jansteen 3d*: White quite successful here CWine 2d : Certainly, B now nervous about center. ] ;B[nk] ;W[nj] ;B[lk] ;W[lj] ;B[kr] ;W[nm] ;B[mk] ;W[qr] ;B[ps] ;W[lm] ;B[kn] ;W[kl] ;B[ll] ;W[jl]C[ kawasaki NR : r2 makes p1 sente to black/make eye? ] ;B[in] ;W[pm] ;B[pl] ;W[os] ;B[qq]C[ CWine 2d : Let me rephrase it: I'd be nervous about center. jansteen 3d*: White to play and live, which move? kawasaki NR : n2 net 1k*: n1 kawasaki NR : no, not n2... oops, n1 kills jansteen 3d*: Yes, correct ] ;W[ms]C[ jansteen 3d*: Right kawa ] ;B[lf] ;W[le] ;B[kf] ;W[me] ;B[je] ;W[ld] ;B[eh] ;W[di] ;B[qh]C[ kawasaki NR : no life threats against p13 group? ] ;W[ph] ;B[pf] ;W[pg] ;B[ne] ;W[of] ;B[nd] ;W[mg] ;B[lc] ;W[cr] ;B[ea] ;W[eo] ;B[ca] ;W[om] ;B[qm] ;W[pn]C[ kawasaki NR : white just gives up the corner? Is it that smalL? ] ;B[qn] ;W[fp] ;B[gp] ;W[en] ;B[es]C[ CWine 2d : Playing so fast. Why C19 better than C18? jansteen 3d*: It's a matter of sente and gote kawasaki jansteen 3d*: You don't always have time to answer kawasaki NR : ah kawasaki NR : I think I answer those too often... jansteen 3d*: c18 can be cut with ko, CWine ] ;W[lg] ;B[kg] ;W[go] ;B[hp] ;W[ho] ;B[hm] ;W[io] ;B[hk] ;W[jj] ;B[ij]C[ jansteen 3d*: Black has to play a lot of connecting moves in this game net 1k*: b give up l6 ] ;W[ff] ;B[gg] ;W[hd] ;B[ge] ;W[gd] ;B[ga] ;W[db] ;B[da] ;W[cb] ;B[bb] ;W[bc] ;B[dh] ;W[cg] ;B[ei] ;W[dj] ;B[il] ;W[id] ;B[ie] ;W[rk] ;B[mi] ;W[jm] ;B[jn]C[ kawasaki NR : white needs to live p13 group, now/ ] ;W[ok] ;B[nl] ;W[sn]C[ colombe 2d*: monkey ] ;B[ro]C[ colombe 2d*: :) ] ;W[cs]C[ jansteen 3d*: Good colombe colombe 2d*: aligato sensei ! jansteen 3d*: Doi itashimashite :) net 1k*: seems w win ] ;B[lr]C[ colombe 2d*: ishi no shita ! ] ;W[mr] ;B[mm] ;W[ml] ;B[nh] ;W[oh] ;B[mm] ;W[nn] ;B[ln]C[ colombe 2d*: i'am speakinh japanese with jan ] ;W[ds]C[ colombe 2d*: yes it means club is strong ] ;B[er] ;W[hr] ;B[ir] ;W[ls] ;B[ks] ;W[ip] ;B[hq] ;W[el] ;B[fn] ;W[po] ;B[ic] ;W[fd] ;B[eg]C[ colombe 2d*: in fact ishi no shita means under the stones, a very high level tesujis ] ;W[ef] ;B[rj] ;W[qk] ;B[gk]C[ kawasaki NR : hm... can't white q4, instead of connect f16? because q3 is bigger? ] ;W[ab] ;B[ba] ;W[kd] ;B[kc] ;W[pp]C[ kawasaki NR : or, does white always have q4, so it doesn't matter? ] ;B[pq] ;W[hn] ;B[pk] ;W[pj] ;B[ni] ;W[oi] ;B[mo] ;W[no] ;B[lo] ;W[mp] ;B[so] ;W[im] ;B[gm] ;W[sl] ;B[sj] ;W[eb]C[ colombe 2d*: white is winning jansteen 3d*: Ok, that's it :) jansteen 3d*: Who wins, and by how much? colombe 2d*: for white 3.5 lead jansteen 3d*: Yes, UTAH, good question colombe 2d*: but intuition would say 1.5 for white craig 7k*: white by komi jansteen 3d*: Good intuition, colombe, W+0.5 kawasaki NR : I get white +0.5 jansteen 3d*: Black's loosing move was n11, he misread here kawasaki NR : I get 66.5 vs 66 jansteen 3d*: He should have blocked (answered) white's s9 jansteen 3d*: g11 is not a point kawasaki craig 7k*: before that he d12 when should j16, s10 colombe 2d*: ok bye all kawasaki NR : I don't think I counted g11 jansteen 3d*: thanks club :) colombe 2d*: tomorrow ' jour ferie ' in France kawasaki NR : not m7 colombe 2d*: telephone cheaper jansteen 3d*: You welcome, mcu jansteen 3d*: Ok, bye ]; )