( ; EV[China-Japan youth match] RO[1st game] RE[W+3.5] PW[Zhou Heyang]WR[6 dan] PB[Yo Kagen]BR[8 dan] PC[China]DT[1997-08-16] KM[5.5] US[Jan.van.der.Steen@cwi.nl] ;B[pd] ;W[dp] ;B[pq] ;W[dd]C[ imp NR : nog geen toeschouwers... jansteen 3d*: This match is between two young and promising players from Japan and China jansteen 3d*: Ik heb even rondgeschreeuw, kijken of dat help ] ;B[qo]C[ jansteen 3d*: Gisteren heb ik de derde (en beslissende) partij nagespeeld jansteen 3d*: Vandaag de 1ste partij ] ;W[jq] ;B[cf]C[ imp NR : hi malf:) jansteen 3d*: no problem with the dutch malf? :) ] ;W[ch] ;B[cn]C[ jansteen 3d*: The left side pattern is popular these days jansteen 3d*: Kobayashi Satoru started using it against Cho Chikun in the Kisei matches jansteen 3d*: Instead of approaching the ni-rensei from the outside black comes in from the inside first ] ;W[fp] ;B[bp]C[ jansteen 3d*: Now there is a basic good move available for white, which one and why? jansteen 3d*: Hi Girl, 5d*! imp NR : c8? jansteen 3d*: c3 serves one purpose: territory imp NR : to help c12 jansteen 3d*: Try to find one with at least two meanings jansteen 3d*: Yes imp, and why? imp NR : c8 helps c12, and takes influence jansteen 3d*: Yes, c8 or c9 is mutual point for a base jansteen 3d*: White can take the initiative on the left side by attacking black's group jansteen 3d*: When you get nothing in return, that's right malf CWine 2d : What better way to attack than to deny a base with c3? jansteen 3d*: But it's always a trade jansteen 3d*: CWine, when white c3, then black c9 jansteen 3d*: Instead of c8 white played the modern version.... CWine 2d : Yes, and in a simple view, miai. ] ;W[cm] ;B[dm] ;W[cl] ;B[cq] ;W[bn] ;B[co] ;W[dq]C[ jansteen 3d*: Please note that the territorial loss is not dramatic, and c14 looks all the weaker now jansteen 3d*: An interesting way of playing ] ;B[bo] ;W[fd]C[ CWine 2d : One, greedy thought, for B, is M3, looking at H3 or M5. jansteen 3d*: Where are the big points now (there are four of them) jansteen 3d*: Right CW, m3 is one of them jansteen 3d*: right, k17 direction is the other one jansteen 3d*: two more... imp NR : c17? jansteen 3d*: hmm, c17 big but not top priority jansteen 3d*: Right, q10 is big jansteen 3d*: One more move is very nice to take imp NR : c10 overplay? jansteen 3d*: Black c10 would induce the move which white wants to play anyway imp NR : otherwise d8 perhaps? jansteen 3d*: Yes imp! jansteen 3d*: white d8 expands the left side and has e7 follow-up, very big CWine 2d : Either direction from Q16, at first glance, look like miai. jansteen 3d*: So now we can udnerstand the game.... ] ;B[lq] ;W[dl] ;B[pj] ;W[nc]C[ jansteen 3d*: Both players got two big points this way ] ;B[pf] ;W[pb] ;B[qc]C[ jansteen 3d*: Next move is interesting :) jansteen 3d*: It's not the usual l17 jansteen 3d*: Nor is it m16 (bad in this case) jansteen 3d*: But what then?! imp NR : strange, i would have ommitted r17 so not to provoke l17:) ] ;W[lc]C[ imp NR : because b plays c17 now? jansteen 3d*: Pro's get more solid every day :) imp NR : and w wants to be far away from the wall? jansteen 3d*: Might be imp, also black's usual forcing sequence starting with m16 is gone ] ;B[cc] ;W[cd] ;B[bd]C[ jansteen 3d*: Next move? jansteen 3d*: dasch? imp NR : d17 (Renee), b15 (Henk) :) jansteen 3d*: How about Kirsten? CWine 2d : Not right now, but isn't B concerned about lower left safety? imp NR : Kirsten also d17 ] ;W[be]C[ jansteen 3d*: b15 wins imp NR : you are not going to tell they are right i hope:) jansteen 3d*: White's left side is high, white's top is low (m17) ] ;B[bb] ;W[ad] ;B[bc] ;W[ce] ;B[fb]C[ jansteen 3d*: This joseki is rare for pros, it's very thin jansteen 3d*: Usual is b18 at b17, and f18 at e18 ] ;W[jo] ;B[lo] ;W[em]C[ dasch 3d*: seems to me b far ahead jansteen 3d*: Both players perfectionating their moyo imp NR : pro's are smart in reducing moyo's CWine 2d : If B feels he can leave left corners, slam a stone down on K10. jansteen 3d*: When facing a moyo you have three choices... jansteen 3d*: You have moyo yourself and look for the border between yours and opponents and play there jansteen 3d*: You invade opponents moyo CWine 2d : Invade, reduce, or resigh? jansteen 3d*: You reduce opponents moyo jansteen 3d*: Ok, your choice in this case....? :) imp NR : combine reducing and building up your own moyo jansteen 3d*: Which corner point, malf? jansteen 3d*: So which point imp? jansteen 3d*: Ah, right malf, those are the most valuable ones usually imp NR : around l7 jansteen 3d*: That's correct, around l7 was played ] ;B[jn]C[ jansteen 3d*: imp has help tonight :) dasch 3d*: now w fights with l6? imp NR : bet you I do:) jansteen 3d*: So, now white faces the same choice (out of three), which one shall it be? jansteen 3d*: dasch, you're right about white taking action CWine 2d : Right side open enough for invasion. imp NR : Reducing (Renee) imp NR : invade (Henk) jansteen 3d*: Henk is correct again jansteen 3d*: Now question is: where to invade? imp NR : q6? or r8 ] ;W[ql]C[ jansteen 3d*: Henk unbeatable tonight :) ] ;B[qj] ;W[qn] ;B[po]C[ jansteen 3d*: malf, about your suggestion (o14): dasch 3d*: tough game now for w jansteen 3d*: o14 only prevents black from building, it doesn't build a lot for white imp NR : p8 now (Renee) ] ;W[ro] ;B[rp] ;W[rm] ;B[rk] ;W[pn]C[ jansteen 3d*: Black doesn't see any profit from attacking more right now jansteen 3d*: profit coming jansteen 3d*: So he plays follow-up of k6 ] ;B[io] ;W[jp] ;B[kn]C[ jansteen 3d*: Note that this weakens white's group from a distance ] ;W[oo] ;B[so] ;W[ok] ;B[rn] ;W[nm]C[ jansteen 3d*: Now white has some sort of sabaki CWine 2d : B wants to punish W for not answering K6. Can W go back to that area? jansteen 3d*: Black to play, anything interesting in the bottom? russell 5k*: sabaki is the japanese term for "flexible shape" jansteen 3d*: good CW, any ideas? russell 5k*: h3 russell 5k*: h3 then h4 or j4? jansteen 3d*: This is all high-level reading, the move played was... ] ;B[gp]C[ jansteen 3d*: In a sense logical: leaning attack of k3 mingzhong 1k*: m17 typo? jansteen 3d*: No mingzhong, new move ] ;W[hp] ;B[go] ;W[gq] ;B[hq] ;W[hr]C[ mingzhong 1k*: intresting ] ;B[fq] ;W[gr]C[ russell 5k*: they are around the same russell 5k*: but maybe it would be harder for h3 to work jansteen 3d*: Black strengthened his foothold here russell 5k*: and w is not alive yet, right malf? jansteen 3d*: Next move makes sense considering this additional strength CWine 2d : Assume outcome here is neutralization, B sente, where? imp NR : g7? ] ;B[ni]C[ jansteen 3d*: Black pushing white along black's forces jansteen 3d*: At the same time enlarging UR corner russell 5k*: does this give black a lot of territory? ] ;W[mk] ;B[qb]C[ russell 5k*: it weakens the position of his l5 wall jansteen 3d*: This is typical moment to count a game jansteen 3d*: But since it's late we skip that :) imp NR : g18 big ] ;W[dr] ;B[bm] ;W[bl] ;B[an] ;W[br] ;B[bq] ;W[al] ;B[am]C[ russell 5k*: was that really worth gote? jansteen 3d*: Very good imp! russell 5k*: wh didn't b c2 instead? imp NR : all here vote for g17 now! ] ;W[gb]C[ imp NR : sorry g18 ] ;B[eb] ;W[gc]C[ russell 5k*: wow, that was good jansteen 3d*: This move big since black had a nasty invasion at k17 russell 5k*: but w is still not on left side, b could invade jansteen 3d*: Since invasion is off now black takes the other option: reduce dasch 3d*: seems b r 18 was too slow? imp NR : two left here, one fell asleep:) jansteen 3d*: I agree dasch, too much concerned with territory jansteen 3d*: :) jansteen 3d*: Too boring the game? :) ] ;B[ke] ;W[oe]C[ imp NR : too much sleep:) ] ;B[me] ;W[ne] ;B[ng] ;W[mf] ;B[md] ;W[mc] ;B[nf] ;W[kd] ;B[je]C[ jansteen 3d*: White to expand left side, ideas? CWine 2d : Cut jansteen 3d*: which cut? :) imp NR : h13 ] ;W[gg] ;B[jd] ;W[jc]C[ jansteen 3d*: Next move can only be understood when counting jansteen 3d*: (this is a typical counting game) jansteen 3d*: But we skip the counting as promised ] ;B[gi] ;W[hh] ;B[hi] ;W[ii] ;B[ij]C[ dasch 3d*: looks good to me without counting :) jansteen 3d*: Agree :) imp NR : agree with dasch, seems normal move jansteen 3d*: White's next move is severe, ideas? imp NR : cut (h10) CWine 2d : M14 jansteen 3d*: Well, about g11, if black clearly ahead he would play conservative with g8 for example dasch 3d*: cut at h 10(IGS-style) ] ;W[hj]C[ jansteen 3d*: Yes, white played IGS style russell 5k*: g10 atari? jansteen 3d*: Pls note that white is aiming to move the n14 cutting stone so black has to be careful ] ;B[jj] ;W[gj] ;B[fi] ;W[ih] ;B[nj] ;W[mp] ;B[lp] ;W[nk] ;B[no] ;W[lm] ;B[ll]C[ jansteen 3d*: The game suddenly becomes very violent ] ;W[kl] ;B[lk] ;W[mj] ;B[ml] ;W[li] ;B[kk]C[ imp NR : b in trouble. seems ] ;W[kh]C[ jansteen 3d*: White connected now jansteen 3d*: So now black's f11 stones need to be taken care of ] ;B[fk] ;W[gl] ;B[gk]C[ jansteen 3d*: Done jansteen 3d*: So now white activates his n14 stone ] ;W[lg] ;B[mh] ;W[lh]C[ jansteen 3d*: With moyo's you know the game will be decided in the center jansteen 3d*: But it's always suprising to see it happening ] ;B[dj] ;W[fl] ;B[fg] ;W[ek] ;B[fj]C[ imp NR : h7 interesting? ] ;W[hm]C[ jansteen 3d*: Good imp :) ] ;B[il] ;W[ej] ;B[dh] ;W[ei] ;B[fh] ;W[di] ;B[cg] ;W[eh] ;B[eg] ;W[ff] ;B[ef] ;W[fe] ;B[eo]C[ CWine 2d : B saved C14, now to save F3, H3, not lose any stones. :) ] ;W[op] ;B[ep] ;W[fr] ;B[oq] ;W[pc]C[ jansteen 3d*: Very big this move ] ;B[od] ;W[nd] ;B[pe]C[ dasch 3d*: now w ahead a few points ] ;W[np] ;B[oc] ;W[ob] ;B[nl] ;W[ol] ;B[eq] ;W[do] ;B[dn] ;W[en]C[ jansteen 3d*: Accurate counting dasch :) ] ;B[ip] ;W[iq] ;B[in] ;W[er] ;B[fo] ;W[mm] ;B[bh] ;W[dg] ;B[df] ;W[bi] ;B[dh] ;W[ci] ;B[ga] ;W[ha] ;B[fa] ;W[hb] ;B[nb] ;W[mb] ;B[pa] ;W[na] ;B[kr] ;W[jl]C[ jansteen 3d*: Possible because h8 is sente ] ;B[hl] ;W[jk] ;B[kj] ;W[km] ;B[im] ;W[mr] ;B[nr] ;W[mq] ;B[cr] ;W[lr] ;B[kq] ;W[jr] ;B[gm] ;W[cs] ;B[mg] ;W[lf] ;B[mo] ;W[bg] ;B[bf] ;W[ah] ;B[js] ;W[is] ;B[ks] ;W[db] ;B[dc] ;W[ec] ;B[da] ;W[pp] ;B[qp] ;W[ms] ;B[ns] ;W[rl] ;B[ji] ;W[jh] ;B[ho] ;W[hq] ;B[pk] ;W[pl] ;B[sk] ;W[oj] ;B[oi] ;W[qk] ;B[rj] ;W[of] ;B[og] ;W[ik] ;B[hk] ;W[fn] ;B[gn] ;W[af] ;B[ac] ;W[ae] ;B[ee] ;W[nn] ;B[nq] ;W[ed]C[ imp NR : very close ] ;B[mi] ;W[lj] ;B[ar] ;W[bs] ;B[dg]C[ jansteen 3d*: Ok, count pls :) imp NR : w +1.5? jansteen 3d*: It's in the middle, W+3.5 imp NR : very nice game jan, thx:) imp NR : thx from two:) jansteen 3d*: Hope it was interesting :) imp NR : yes, too tired to thank:) jansteen 3d*: I close the game now, till next time ]; )