( ; EV[Lesson] RE[W+R] PW[Yasuda Yasutoshi]WR[8 dan] PB[Jan van der Steen]BR[3 dan] PC[Amsterdam, the Netherlands]DT[1997-06-17] KM[0.5] HA[3]AB[dd][pd][dp] US[Jan.van.der.Steen@cwi.nl] C[ imp NR : hi ] ;W[qp]C[ imp NR : ok:) imp NR : typo:) jansteen 3d*: :) ] ;B[op] ;W[mq]C[ jansteen 3d*: Caspar heeft ook nog gespeeld met Yasuda imp NR : o5:) ] ;B[or]C[ jansteen 3d*: Nee, dat speelde Caspar, dus ik dacht laat ik iets anders spelen ] ;W[qm] ;B[no] ;W[kp]C[ jansteen 3d*: Volgende zet? imp NR : k3 neem ik aan. r3 beetje slap? imp NR : sory j3 jansteen 3d*: Ja, j3 speelde ik, maar da's niet goed imp NR : rustig g3? jansteen 3d*: Nee, j3 is het goede idee imp NR : j4 dus jansteen 3d*: ja :) imp NR : maar hoe te kiezen, waarom die en niet een ander jansteen 3d*: Begrijp je waarom? imp NR : niet echt nee jansteen 3d*: j3 zou in functie overlappen met p2 imp NR : hooguit dat j3 "niet lekker voelt" jansteen 3d*: p2 is laag, beter j4 hoog daarom imp NR : oh, ok jansteen 3d*: Tweede argument: gezien d16 en q16 is het centrum belangrijker ] ;B[iq] ;W[kn]C[ imp NR : en wat g3? jansteen 3d*: g3 ipv j3? imp NR : ja? jansteen 3d*: Nee, da's "nurui" imp NR : niet genoeg druk? imp NR : ok jansteen 3d*: Ja, precies imp NR : (da's hetzelfde :) jansteen 3d*: Ik laat jouw trouwens continue de zwarte zetten raden, ok? :) imp NR : goed: ik geef eerst de zetten die bij me opkomen, dan een keuze ok? jansteen 3d*: ok imp NR : met name aan wat bij mij opkomt kun jij zien wat mis is bij mij:) jansteen 3d*: :) jansteen 3d*: Bijvoorbeeld: Henk moet meer slapen :) imp NR : o7, r3, evt j5. :) imp NR : r3 jansteen 3d*: Ok, ik denk dat j5 verkeerde richting is jansteen 3d*: o7 heb ik gespeeld imp NR : denk ik ook:) imp NR : o7 zal wel normaal zijn, maar jansteen 3d*: r3 is big, maar niet urgent imp NR : r3 big &basis jansteen 3d*: o7 heeft als voordeel dat het indirect de invasie op f3 helpt te voorkomen imp NR : ik doe normaal o7, maar nu ga je piekeren:) jansteen 3d*: ja, precies jansteen 3d*: Net als in je eigen partijen :) imp NR : :) imp NR : ok ] ;B[nm]C[ imp NR : ik heb geloof ik af en toe een slechte conn. ] ;W[nk]C[ jansteen 3d*: Dat zou kunnen, ik moest ook twee keer inloggen imp NR : m8, m7, overal daar:) jansteen 3d*: Nog andere opties? Chuckles 7k*: what is this game? imp NR : r3, l2, q8 jansteen 3d*: My game against Yasuda, 8p jansteen 3d*: Ues, q8 is normal, m7 and m8 jansteen 3d*: Ues = Yes imp NR : q8 ] ;B[ll]C[ jansteen 3d*: According to Yasuda q8 and m8 are equivalent, both good imp NR : i don't like m7 jansteen 3d*: Right, me neither imp NR : ok jansteen 3d*: m7 is what white wants, induce and invade f3 imp NR : yep:) ] ;W[fp]C[ jansteen 3d*: Other people may join to guess black's next move jansteen 3d*: I wait playing black's move till suggestions have been made imp NR : j5, ... Chuckles 7k*: k5 jansteen 3d*: My next move was best according to Yasuda Chuckles 7k*: sounds good to me :) jansteen 3d*: I didn't see it yet firefly 1d : l3 jansteen 3d*: l3 Yasuda commented on: "That's the way to loose the game" imp NR : f3 imp NR : hane, then cut jansteen 3d*: f3 would sacrifice j3 Chuckles 7k*: g4 first perhaps? imp NR : g5? jansteen 3d*: g4 is right spirit jansteen 3d*: right imp ] ;B[go]C[ imp NR : considered that a moment, but seems overplay:) jansteen 3d*: f4 is close to overplay, not quite but g5 is severe counter Chuckles 7k*: i thought so too ] ;W[hp]C[ imp NR : g4 only jansteen 3d*: right ] ;B[gp] ;W[hq]C[ imp NR : g3 o ] ;B[gq] ;W[gr]C[ jansteen 3d*: next? imp NR : f3 only:) firefly 1d : h5 jansteen 3d*: h5 I played Chuckles 7k*: i'm waiting for k5? jansteen 3d*: k5 strengthens white and thus weakens p4 group, don't play k5 Chuckles Chuckles 7k*: ok, thanks jansteen 3d*: Best here is f3, good imp :) ] ;B[ho] ;W[ip] ;B[fr] ;W[hr]C[ imp NR : this kills aji j3 stone, no? jansteen 3d*: next? jansteen 3d*: Right imp, that's why f3 is better Chuckles 7k*: is d9 extension way too soon? jansteen 3d*: next? imp NR : defend corner somehow, thinking... jansteen 3d*: That's the right idea imp jansteen 3d*: r3 big, but again not urgent now firefly 1d : k7 imp NR : problem is w e2 aji with many defence moves jansteen 3d*: k7 tempting, but locally another move is better jansteen 3d*: We will come to k7 issue later imp NR : c5? Chuckles 7k*: f5? jansteen 3d*: c5 with e2 aji is not very big jansteen 3d*: Right Chuckles ] ;B[fo]C[ jansteen 3d*: This is only move according to Yasuda Chuckles 7k*: thickens and covers e2 :) imp NR : leaves c4-aji? jansteen 3d*: Black convert the position to thickness, so territory will come automatically jansteen 3d*: c4 will result in a good result for black jansteen 3d*: Black has hands free to fight severely imp NR : not now, but later:) jansteen 3d*: :) imp NR : but ok, f5 is nice move jansteen 3d*: Ok white now patches up weaknesses around o9, how? jansteen 3d*: Let me ask differently: imp NR : p7? jansteen 3d*: When black's to move, what would be a good move around o7 stone? firefly 1d : through n7 and forcing? jansteen 3d*: p7 is right direction imp NR : well, q8 then:) Chuckles 7k*: p9 i would think jansteen 3d*: q8 closer :) jansteen 3d*: p9 Chuckles? imp NR : q9 shape... jansteen 3d*: Right imp ] ;W[pk]C[ imp NR : seems a bit passive:) jansteen 3d*: q9 defends black q8 jansteen 3d*: Oh, now I understand your suggestions :( jansteen 3d*: You suggested black's follow-up, I'm sorry imp NR : r14 now jansteen 3d*: Next move is urgent again firefly 1d : now k7? jansteen 3d*: imp, q9 not passive, it sets up m10 and r14 imp NR : true:) jansteen 3d*: k7 is gote on bottom, so it would leave a cut for free imp NR : m5? jansteen 3d*: m5 is defensive move jansteen 3d*: Next move is strategically important jansteen 3d*: Think globally imp NR : d10 very very big jansteen 3d*: d10 big but not urgent Chuckles 7k*: r 12 perhaps? jansteen 3d*: r12 is very big but again wrong direction jansteen 3d*: r3 big, but move played is bigger firefly 1d : perhaps m10? Chuckles 7k*: I like r5 for corner move. jansteen 3d*: r3 is there for emergency jansteen 3d*: yes firefly! ] ;B[lj]C[ jansteen 3d*: This is the 10 point move according to Yasuda imp NR : ok firefly 1d : now closing left side much bigger jansteen 3d*: m10 shines over upper part of the board jansteen 3d*: m10 reduces r14 value jansteen 3d*: m10 prevents that black p4 becomes a weak group jansteen 3d*: many meanings ] ;W[cj]C[ imp NR : je zei iets van "cut remaining" dacht ik jansteen 3d*: No direwolf, that would be a nice moment to take the big point r3 imp NR : c12 only? jansteen 3d*: Right, c12 is correct ] ;B[ch]C[ jansteen 3d*: c13 in this kind of circumstances is "nurui", soft, lukewarm jansteen 3d*: c12 is only move ] ;W[bo]C[ imp NR : oeps:) jansteen 3d*: White is sabaki-ing his group jansteen 3d*: Not trick, b5 is good move, makes c3 and c7 miai jansteen 3d*: A normal move jansteen 3d*: Which point, haetgue? XH 30k : #what Chuckles 7k*: c7 only good if b can get k7 jansteen 3d*: Ok, pls vote for either c7 (around) or b4 XH 30k : I think c6 imp NR : b4/c4 very passive... Chuckles 7k*: b4 firefly 1d : c7 imp NR : is b7 possible? jansteen 3d*: c7 around, imp imp NR : otherwise i choose c6:) firefly 1d : e11 jansteen 3d*: Yes, shouzhuo, o5 slow, that's right XH 30k : nihao jansteen 3d*: But Yasuda said about r5: "slow but steady and thick" jansteen 3d*: not r5, o5, sorry jansteen 3d*: Yes, shouzhou, Yasuda suggested as an alternative just ikken-tobi for o5 jansteen 3d*: With miai of q8 pressing and k4 pincering jansteen 3d*: ok, the game... Chuckles won the jackpot ] ;B[bp]C[ jansteen 3d*: This is best move jansteen 3d*: lower-left corner is too big to give to white jansteen 3d*: Yes David :) sorry jansteen 3d*: Hi :) jansteen 3d*: Yesterday evening David ] ;W[co] ;B[cp] ;W[cm]C[ imp NR : let's wait and see:) jansteen 3d*: No shouzhou, I start to make mistakes quite soon now jansteen 3d*: So far, black only made one bad move: h5 jansteen 3d*: Next move? jansteen 3d*: Sure David, I thought it would be useful to analyse this game Chuckles 7k*: r12 imp NR : my choice between r14, k16, and e11 firefly 1d : d10? jansteen 3d*: imp got it, but which one? imp NR : k16 ] ;B[jd]C[ jansteen 3d*: again 10 point move imp NR : jan is giving a quizz:) jansteen 3d*: Good question direwolf ] ;W[kk]C[ jansteen 3d*: oh, moment, mistake ] ;B[lk] ;W[cf]C[ jansteen 3d*: sory, forgot kikashi jansteen 3d*: next? jansteen 3d*: What's funny direwolf? :) jansteen 3d*: Oh :) jansteen 3d*: Not Dutch David, Japanese :) jansteen 3d*: right imp NR : d14. what else? ] ;B[df] ;W[de] ;B[ee] ;W[ce]C[ jansteen 3d*: Next? imp NR : d13 or c16, that's the Q:) jansteen 3d*: But you knew that, right David? :) imp NR : d13 jansteen 3d*: right imp, d13 or c16 Chuckles 7k*: c16, use d14 stone for shape? jansteen 3d*: I thought so too shouzhuo jansteen 3d*: I played c16, d13 is better jansteen 3d*: Shall I show likely continuation? ] ;B[cd]C[ imp NR : ok:) ] ;W[dg] ;B[ef] ;W[cg] ;B[eg] ;W[dh] ;B[ji]C[ jansteen 3d*: Now b13 is usual joseki jansteen 3d*: But considering lower-left white group, b13 here is risky: black will b12 jansteen 3d*: So white's best here is... ] ;W[ed]C[ jansteen 3d*: And next black move is only, which one? imp NR : b has no complaints here, as far as i can see:) imp NR : f14 or so jansteen 3d*: Right f14 ] ;B[eb]C[ jansteen 3d*: Only move jansteen 3d*: Please note that this sequence created options for black in lower-left jansteen 3d*: For example:..... ] ;W[fd]C[ jansteen 3d*: Sorry, I made another mistake :( jansteen 3d*: c7 is wrong, should be c8 jansteen 3d*: Hmm, very annoying, sorry :( imp NR : just move it back, we forgive you:) jansteen 3d*: But now I can not show you black's aji jansteen 3d*: I can not move stones in teach mode imp NR : black has c7-aji? :) jansteen 3d*: No, b9 aji jansteen 3d*: b9, b10, c7 imp NR : start game anew? jansteen 3d*: Against top pros h3 is not enough, shouzhuo imp NR : it should be at c8, that's the joke:) jansteen 3d*: As I will show you soon, only one mistake can ruin the whole game jansteen 3d*: I never played 5-7p range pro's jansteen 3d*: Well, for the rest of the game c7 position is not important imp NR : that sounds ominous:) jansteen 3d*: I rewind to d13 now jansteen 3d*: haha, imp jansteen 3d*: My board is a mess jansteen 3d*: jesus, computers :( jansteen 3d*: I reload imp NR : ok, you'r #1 now jan:) imp NR : :) jansteen 3d*: sorry :) jansteen 3d*: Black played c16, Yasuda of course prefered d13 here jansteen 3d*: right jansteen 3d*: ok, we're back jansteen 3d*: Yes, c16 big, but d13 more important since it keeps white seperated jansteen 3d*: Next? imp NR : difficult now imp NR : " e13 only? firefly 1d : e13 jansteen 3d*: e13 is move played jansteen 3d*: not 10 point move imp NR : b16 alt jansteen 3d*: b16 2 points :) imp NR : shit, i quit this game:) jansteen 3d*: haha imp NR : e16 third choice jansteen 3d*: This is the point where black definitely lost control over the game jansteen 3d*: Yes imp, e16! jansteen 3d*: But why? imp NR : can't let w invade there or cut jansteen 3d*: There is a very clear reason jansteen 3d*: Of course, points made by you are valid, but I want to hear clearer reason imp NR : w b16, if b blocks then w cuts jansteen 3d*: No imp, white doesn't need b16 to cut, it works immedtaely jansteen 3d*: immediately jansteen 3d*: yes shouzhuo! jansteen 3d*: yes! jansteen 3d*: shouzhuo 10 points imp NR : bravo:) jansteen 3d*: Yasuda gave following continuation: black e16, white e13, black r11 jansteen 3d*: ok? imp NR : yes imp NR : similar to f3:( jansteen 3d*: Right shuozhuo, black still better that way, but not by much anymore jansteen 3d*: Reason is that white got territory at left side whereas he should have had a weak group jansteen 3d*: (by black's c16 at d13) jansteen 3d*: Right imp jansteen 3d*: Here: next? twofar NR : now e16 is really gote jansteen 3d*: right twofar Chuckles 7k*: at least q12 jansteen 3d*: b16 might be ok imp NR : me too twofar NR : move on right side for sure jansteen 3d*: imp also b16? imp NR : f17 alternative jansteen 3d*: Black played this variation to take next point.... jansteen 3d*: Follow-up of m10 imp NR : this is better than e12 jansteen 3d*: This point is very nice Chuckles 7k*: yes nicer shape than r12 Chuckles 7k*: r12 is a wait and see type move no? jansteen 3d*: However, white can cut at d16 imp NR : hope for you that k11 offered some help:) jansteen 3d*: No shouzhuo, k11 is direction here, except for d16cut jansteen 3d*: I made a reading mistake quickly here, I will show final moves ] ;B[gf] ;W[cb] ;B[dc] ;W[fb] ;B[gd] ;W[gc] ;B[hd] ;W[bd]C[ jansteen 3d*: Black looses this semeai, and resigned imp NR : yep:( jansteen 3d*: What's a stone tower shoushuo? imp NR : b17-c17; b15-a16 twofar NR : so if b f16 giving the corner up in sente insted? jansteen 3d*: In that case white got too much territory twofar twofar NR : ok! imp NR : but here does not work i see now? jansteen 3d*: I felt sorry for my opponent here since the game was so short jansteen 3d*: But anyway lots of points of interest firefly 1d : kib thx jan jansteen 3d*: According to Yasuda the sacrifice of the corner would settle the game, shouzhuo imp NR : o it does, sorry again jansteen 3d*: Black too far behind that way, white's left side is too big imp NR : thanks jan, intyeresting:) imp NR : many good moves by b, a pity it ended this way jansteen 3d*: What suprised me while analysing the game with Yasuda sensei is that it only takes... jansteen 3d*: two mistakes to loose a h3 game jansteen 3d*: Of course the e16 cut is extremely sever imp NR : it's loosing a fight like this that really hurts, not so much a mistake? jansteen 3d*: But anyway, when black chooses a quiet variation (like e18 at d18) the game would be close jansteen 3d*: The two moves which spoiled the game were: c16 and d13 jansteen 3d*: oh, e13 (not d13) jansteen 3d*: Ok, maybe more of this stuff later this week or in the weekend jansteen 3d*: Agree shouzhuo, d13 very bad, but also c16 very bad jansteen 3d*: thanks for sharing ideas :) jansteen 3d*: till later! ]; )