( ; FF[4] PB[mianzi@igs] BR[4k*] HA[7] PW[Michael Redmond] WR[8p] KM[0.5] DT[1998-06-29] PC[igs.nuri.net] RE[W+19.5] TM[900] AB[pj][dj][jj][pp][dd][pd][dp];W[md];B[jd]C[Var2 is also a common move. White really needs 3 moves to surround this black corner stone. In var2 Black breaks through the center, so in the game White tries to make the hole in the center smaller. If Black plays correctly, White cannot get a good result.] (;W[of];B[qf];W[ph]C[This White move could be called a trick play (or a test). In the game Black counter-attacked which is good. Var2 shows the most severe move. Var3 is a common mistake.] (;B[og];W[pg];B[pf];W[oe];B[ng]C[This move is the correct shape. Var2 does not work for White because of this extension (Black 10).] (;W[oi];B[od];W[mf];B[mh];W[mg];B[nh];W[oj];B[kh];W[qc];B[qd] ;W[pb];B[ob];W[rd];B[rb];W[rc];B[re];W[mb]C[White's corner is not alive yet, but there is a possible squeeze if Black tries to kill immediately. Therefore Black is correct to extend his eye space as in the game.];B[rh];W[pk]C[Black can now choose between 3 targets. There are 2 weak White side groups, and a half-dead corner. This kind of position can be a bit confusing! It is good to think of defense as well as offense. White is willing to sacrifice the corner, and it is small. Var2 shows how Black can attack while protecting the Black corner stones. Note that in the game Black protected these stones later with a move worth only 1 point. It is much better to attack, protect, and gain territory at the same time. This is called killing 3 birds with 1 stone.] (;B[kc];W[jf];B[hd];W[ri]C[Now Black gets uneasy. Black doesn't want to be squeezed, so he makes eyes, but it is painful to play 2 small moves like this. White started to take the offense in other parts of the board. The tsuke (White's last move) improves White's eye shape and is worthwhile in itself. The 2 moves on the outside are White's bonus.];B[pe];W[kg];B[rg];W[jh];B[ki];W[hi];B[hj];W[gj];B[hk] ;W[fd];B[fc]C[ This is usually a vulgar move, but in this case it is allowable. The question is if Black feels he can get out with a kosumi towards the center or not.];W[gc];B[gd];W[ec]C[Var2 is bad for Black. Black played correctly in the game.] (;B[ed];W[fb];B[fe];W[ii];B[jl];W[dc];B[cc]C[This hane is a good sacrifice move in this case.] ;W[cd];B[ce];W[bd];B[be];W[bc];B[cb];W[bb];B[fc] C[At this point White tried to bluff. In the game Black captures the corner group. Black has handled the invasion very well and var2 shows how White's position is bad anyway. Var3 is a move that crossed my mind, and I should have played it.] (;W[ij];B[eb];W[fd];B[db];W[fc];B[hc];W[ik];B[ll];W[jk];B[kk] ;W[km]C[Bl ack does not need to be fancy. Var2 shows an easy win for Black.] (;B[jm];W[op];B[pq];W[po];B[oo]C[This kind of fight involving a ladder is always tricky. In this game Black could have avoided it.];W[oq];B[or];W[nr];B[no];W[mp]C[In var2 the ladder is good for Black. White's right side group dies, so Black can be satisfied with the local result too.] (;B[pr];W[kl];B[mk];W[kn];B[mo];W[lp];B[lo];W[ko];B[kp];W[lr] ;B[jp];W[io]C[Var2 kills the White stones.] (;B[ip];W[jr];B[ir];W[kq]C[The fight on the lower side is starting to look bad for Black. White is still in dame-zumari (liberty shortage), so bBlack's center stones are connected. Var2 connects to the corner and attacks White's right side stones.] (;B[hm];W[hn];B[gm];W[hp];B[gk];W[qo]C[White has just played a key point. Things are starting to look bad for Black.];B[lm];W[jo];B[qp];W[rp];B[rq];W[ro];B[qr] C[Here White played sloppily. Var2 shows how White should have attacked.] (;W[lj];B[mj];W[kj];B[pl];W[ol];B[pm];W[om];B[pn];W[rm];B[qk] ;W[ok];B[ql];W[on];B[qi];W[ln];B[mn];W[lk]C[In var2 White loses.] (;B[li];W[mm];B[dn];W[di];B[cj];W[ej];B[fj];W[ek];B[dl];W[ci] ;B[df];W[ff];B[ef];W[ge];B[ee];W[fi];B[gi];W[gh];B[dk];W[dq] ;B[cq];W[eq];B[cr];W[ep];B[eo];W[cp];B[do];W[bp];B[bq];W[fk] ;B[gq];W[gp];B[fr];W[fq];B[er];W[gr];B[dr];W[hq];B[gj];W[fg] ;B[eh];W[eg];B[dh];W[dg];B[cg];W[ch]C[In var2 Black can still win. (End of commentary).] (;B[hf];W[fm];B[fn];W[em];B[gn];W[bg];B[fa];W[dm];B[cm];W[cl] ;B[bl];W[cn];B[bm];W[bj];B[bk];W[el];B[ck];W[cf];B[gb];W[sb] ;B[ra];W[pa];B[sd];W[oa];B[lb];W[lc];B[ld];W[mc];B[le];W[me] ;B[ig];W[jg];B[hh];W[kb];B[jb];W[la];B[ns];W[mr];B[kk];W[ml] ;B[rl];W[bf];B[af];W[ib];B[ja];W[ic];B[jc];W[ie];B[id];W[he] ;B[lf];W[lg];B[bi];W[bh];B[aj];W[fs];B[es];W[gs];B[nb];W[na] ;B[pc];W[qb];B[se];W[sc];B[in];W[ho];B[sp];W[il];B[im];W[fo] ;B[en];W[gl];B[rn];W[qn];B[hl];W[co];B[fl];W[ei];B[bn];W[go] ;B[ap];W[pi];B[qj];W[nd];B[oc];W[ka];B[sl];W[sn];B[ms];W[ls] ;B[os];W[qh];B[je];W[rj];B[sj];W[si];B[sh];W[sk];B[rk];W[ke] ;B[kd];W[kf];B[sq];W[np];B[sj];W[nn];B[ai];W[ag];B[ae];W[so] ;B[bo];W[gl];B[sm];W[qm];B[fl];W[qg];B[gl];W[tt];B[tt];W[tt] ) (;B[nd];W[me];B[nb])) (;B[ml]C[The center looks like seki, but that seki is broken by the dead White side stones.])) (;W[nl];B[lj];W[lh];B[li];W[ji])) (;B[pn];W[qo];B[qn])) (;B[kr];W[jo];B[np];W[nq];B[mm]C[Connecting to the center is important.];W[ip];B[lq];W[mq];B[kq])) (;B[pn];W[qo];B[qn];W[rp];B[rn];W[qr];B[pr];W[qq];B[mo];W[mq] ;B[qj])) (;B[kl];W[hm];B[ol];W[pl];B[om];W[qn];B[oo])) (;W[db];B[gi]C[The cut is severe.]) (;W[de];B[df];W[fd];B[ee]C[Black can be satisfied with this result.])) (;B[fb];W[ed];B[eb];W[dc]C[Bad for Black.])) (;B[qi];W[ol];B[nk];W[ok];B[rk])) (;W[pe];B[qe];W[qd];B[qc];W[rd];B[od];W[mf];B[rc])) (;B[ne]C[This var is mostly self-explanatory. Black's corner is strong enough for Black to attack freely in the center.];W[oe];B[od];W[nd];B[nf];W[og];B[le];W[me];B[ng];W[nh] ;B[lf];W[mf];B[mg];W[lg];B[mh];W[kg];B[mi]) (;B[qh];W[qi];B[pi];W[qe]C[White's move is a tesuji. In var1, the trap is sprung, in var2, Black avoids it but loses the corner.] (;B[pe];W[qg];B[rh];W[pf];B[rf];W[rg];B[sg];W[pg];B[re];W[ri] ;B[sh];W[qd]C[Bad for Black.]) (;B[pg];W[pe];B[oh];W[od]))) (;W[pg];B[of];W[nh];B[mf];W[ke];B[lg];W[je];B[hd];W[id];B[ic] ;W[ie];B[hc];W[mi];B[li];W[lj];B[ki]C[In this fight Black's first priority should be to move out with the corner stones. Assuming 1 or 2 mistakes by Black early in this fight, one of the side stones could get into trouble. That is a relatively minor problem and can be handled by sacrificing that side and taking profit by attacking the other White group. The following moves in this var show how severe that can be.];W[nk];B[kd];W[le];B[gf];W[ih];B[hg];W[ig];B[hi]))