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Interface com.cometway.jerminal.JerminalKeyListener

public interface JerminalKeyListener
This interface defines the KeyListener which will read the keyboard input from a JerminalWindow. The JerminalKeyistener ensures that the text is displayed correctly in the window and the commands typed are sent to the Jerminal associated with the JerminalWindow.

Method Index

 o getBufferIndex()
This method returns the cursor index of the input buffer.
 o getInputBuffer()
This method returns what is currently in the input buffer.
 o getInsert()
This method returns the state of the INSERT flag.
 o getInterpret()
This method returns the state of the INTERPRET flag.
 o getJerminalWindow()
This method returns the JerminalWindow which this key listener is reading from.
 o getKillBuffer()
This method returns the copy/paste buffer.
 o setBufferIndex(int)
This method sets the cursor index of the input buffer.
 o setInputBuffer(String)
This method sets the input buffer of the key listener.
 o setInsert(boolean)
This sets the INSERT flag of the key listener.
 o setInterpret(boolean)
This sets the INTERPRET flag of the key listener.
 o setJerminalWindow(JerminalWindow)
This method sets the JerminalWindow which this key listener should be reading keyboard input from.
 o setKillBuffer(String)
This sets the copy/paste buffer of the key listener.


 o setInsert
 public abstract void setInsert(boolean insert)
This sets the INSERT flag of the key listener. If set to true, it is expected that keystrokes read from the JerminalWindow are INSERTed at the cursor.

 o getInsert
 public abstract boolean getInsert()
This method returns the state of the INSERT flag.

 o setInterpret
 public abstract void setInterpret(boolean interpret)
This sets the INTERPRET flag of the key listener. If set to false, the key listener is expected not to interpret the input.

 o getInterpret
 public abstract boolean getInterpret()
This method returns the state of the INTERPRET flag.

 o setKillBuffer
 public abstract void setKillBuffer(String buffer)
This sets the copy/paste buffer of the key listener.

 o getKillBuffer
 public abstract String getKillBuffer()
This method returns the copy/paste buffer.

 o setInputBuffer
 public abstract void setInputBuffer(String buffer)
This method sets the input buffer of the key listener. This is the buffer that will be sent as a command to the jerminal.

 o getInputBuffer
 public abstract String getInputBuffer()
This method returns what is currently in the input buffer.

 o setBufferIndex
 public abstract void setBufferIndex(int index)
This method sets the cursor index of the input buffer.

 o getBufferIndex
 public abstract int getBufferIndex()
This method returns the cursor index of the input buffer.

 o setJerminalWindow
 public abstract void setJerminalWindow(JerminalWindow window)
This method sets the JerminalWindow which this key listener should be reading keyboard input from.

 o getJerminalWindow
 public abstract JerminalWindow getJerminalWindow()
This method returns the JerminalWindow which this key listener is reading from.

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