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Interface com.cometway.jerminal.JerminalListenerInterface

public interface JerminalListenerInterface
This interface is implemented by classes that want to listen for notifications from a Jerminal.

Method Index

 o notifyExecutingCommand(String)
This method is called if the jerminal is executing a JerminalCommand.
 o notifyFinishedExecutingCommand(String)
This method is called if the jerminal has finished executing a JerminalCommand.
 o notifyFinishedRunningBinary()
This method is called when the Jerminal has finished executing a binary.
 o notifyInvalidCommand()
This method is called if a command is issued to the Jerminal that was invalid.
 o notifyJerminalExiting()
This method is called when the Jerminal is exiting.
 o notifyRunningBinary()
This method is called if the Jerminal is executing a binary.


 o notifyRunningBinary
 public abstract void notifyRunningBinary()
This method is called if the Jerminal is executing a binary.

 o notifyFinishedRunningBinary
 public abstract void notifyFinishedRunningBinary()
This method is called when the Jerminal has finished executing a binary.

 o notifyInvalidCommand
 public abstract void notifyInvalidCommand()
This method is called if a command is issued to the Jerminal that was invalid.

 o notifyExecutingCommand
 public abstract void notifyExecutingCommand(String command)
This method is called if the jerminal is executing a JerminalCommand.

 o notifyFinishedExecutingCommand
 public abstract void notifyFinishedExecutingCommand(String command)
This method is called if the jerminal has finished executing a JerminalCommand.

 o notifyJerminalExiting
 public abstract void notifyJerminalExiting()
This method is called when the Jerminal is exiting.

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