This category will have posts about traveling and other events. Not all the events actually involved traveling and sometimes the traveling doesn't actually
involve any events.
See you in July
So sometime around last October we found out that my wife Amy was pregnant, so we went in for some tests and did the usual stuff. Apparently, you
weren't supposed to tell people until the end of the first trimester because something could happen to the baby and that was when the first round
of tests were going to be done. We were both excited and wanted to tell everyone but we had to also tell our parents, and then everyone's going to
know and it was just going to be hard to handle, at least until we were sure.
Click for the rest.
Thanksgiving 2014
Santa Fe, Flagstaff, Phoenix 2014
Google put together a story for me so I didn't have to write anything. For some reason if you can't see the embeded post,
here's a link to the "story".
Iceland 2013
When I'd tell someone that I was going to spend a week in Iceland, in the middle of December, people thought I was crazy. I was told that it would
be cold and we'd get 4 hours of daylight each day. Regardless, my friend Michelle wanted to go there for her belated birthday and a bunch of us decided, why not?
Finally plans were made and the ball got rolling, we had around a week to work with. I actually knew nothing about Iceland, other than an episode of
Top Gear and an Icelandic collegue of mine from Carnegie Mellon, so I didn't know what to expect, other than it being cold and dark.
Click for the rest.
Shanghai 2013
A few months ago we decided to take a trip to Shanghai to visit my aging grandmother, given the choice of either May or October. We ended up choosing May because my mom would be there and I later found out that I had a wedding to attend in October. After a few weeks of coordinating wth my mom and sister, we finally got the tickets booked and where set to go.
Japan 2012
On November 14th, I flew out to Japan to hang out with my friend Steve in Nagoya, listen to some music, eat some good food, and watch the new Evangelion movie.
This time I was armed with a smartphone, so I can take more pictures. This also means that all my photos will end up on my Google+ account so I'll just host
pictures from there. Made sure to turn off all roaming data so as not to get charged with the insane $15 per megabyte roaming fee.
Got a ride to the airport from the car service and made it to La Guardia, first time I've been here in forever. Made it to my terminal with plenty of time to
spare and on top of that, flight was delayed over an hour. The terminal had a long bar that
provided an ipad interface for ordering
food and browsing the web, it also included this neat little thing where you can put in a flight number, and it'll continually check the flight status and give
you notifications on delays and when it's time to board. After some time, the flight finally got on its way arriving at
Detroit International Airport in plenty
of time to make my flight.
Click for the rest.
Wedding 2012

On September 2nd, 2012, I got married to my long-time girlfriend, Amy, in front of some 260 friends and family. Having no idea what an Hindu wedding is like, I went into
this blind, no rehearsal, no dry run, no walkthrough; but I kind of knew what to expect because I typed up the programs. It was a 3-day affair, at least for Amy, all I had
to do with wake up, get dressed, and show up for the ceremony.
Click for the rest.
Summercon 2012

Here's a picture of Redpantz, one of the organizers, because I don't have a picture of myself.
Another successful year of Summercon in the books. This was the 2nd time we had Summercon at Littlefield in Brooklyn. I actually tried to take it a little easier this year, don't know how successful that was, but mainly because this year I won't be only 2 blocks away from the venue but a 30 minute walk. On Thursday when Redpantz and Jimbo arrived, we started drinking at lunch and had a rough time walking that far. Lots of cool talks this year, and 2 tools were released shortly after they were presented at the con (the IDA Toolbag and Vivisect version of Vtrace).
The schedule this year was a little more hangover friendly, doors didn't open until noon and talks not until 12:30 or so (though we were probably behind schedule on both counts). This meant that I didn't have to wake up super early and help run the registration tables, which was probably a bit more important this year than the last few years because there was a LOT of pre-registration and a surge was expected at the beginning. Fortunately, the registration desk ran pretty smoothly, thanks to the work of Michelle, Joann and Jimbo.
Click for the rest.
Summercon 2011
Japan 2009
I was in Nagoya, Japan, from June 22nd to July 2nd, but didn't make any real updates. Didn't really do all that much aside from get drunk,
watch the Evangelion 2.0 movie. I had a lot of fun and
rockthing & Hiromi are the best hosts ever. I should scan the book that Hiromi drew (manga-esque) of my time there and post that instead
of writing about it, since those pictures are better than anything I can write.
Here are the pictures and media from Japan 2009.
Thailand, 2009. Bangkok, Phuket, Chang Mai
Summercon 2008
Japan 2007! (September 22, 2007)
Around March of 2007, I looked into a trip to Japan in hopes of seeing the first Formula 1 race at Fuji Speedway (it was previously held at
Suzuka, which, IMO, is a better track). I talked to Amy about going to Japan to see F1, and she was into it, but when I tried to buy the
F1 tickets, they were already sold out (no surprise). I suggested that we go there anyways. Now, the Formula 1 race was in September, and
it suddenly dawned on me that the Rebuild of Evangelion movie (1:0) was going to be in September, and suddenly I had a renewed enthusiasm
for making this trip happen. In truth, I really did nothing, Amy planned and bought the plane tickets and everything, all I did was contact
my friend in Nagoya to buy some Rebuild tickets.
The rest is here
Summercon 2007 (August 19, 2007)
China 2006 (September, 2006)
Around March of 2006, I was planning a trip and wanted it to revolve around an F1 race. I've heard a lot about
Japan's Sazuka Raceway so looked into getting race tickets for there, meeting up with my friend
Steve Shaw and Hiromi from Nagoya, and maybe spending a week or
so chillin out in Japan. Tickets for the race turned out to be too expensive and the shitty seats were the only
ones left, so... how about Shanghai?
The Auto Train (July 12, 2006)
On Sunday, July the 9th, I was wandering around Washington D.C. with Michelle and her brother, Michael, who was a native. We had an awesome
meal at a German restuarant and was walking toward Union Station in search for some kind of dessert for Michelle. As we stroll through
the station, Michael nonchalantly points out that instead of driving all the way down to Florida from D.C. the next day, I could take the
Amtrak's "Auto Train". Neither me nor Michelle had ever heard of such a thing,
where I can take a train somewhere and my car can come along. Michelle asks the desk attendant about it and he says it leaves daily at 4pm
and arrives in Sanford, FL, at 8:30am. Sanford is near Orlando, and a mere 2 hours from my final destination, Ocala. A little thrilled at
the prospect of not having to drive for 14 hours, I book a ticket. My experience on the Auto
France 2005 (December 16, 2005)
Just got back from my trip to France. I wanted to meet up with some Everquest buddies near Avignon, but never ended up getting a hold of them. I did however meet up with Mearis Slayerofcows in Milan. HERE is the link of the page that I updated daily which documented my trip. [UPDATE] We finally got around to opening up a bottle of that 98. We decanted it immediately and proceeded to have a few test glasses before finishing off the rest.
Summercon 2003 (June 9, 2003)
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